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Everything Is File In Linux - Part 1

Divided into 2 parts, in this first part I will introduce the concept that everything is file and present the special devices / dev / null, / dev / zero, / dev / random and / dev / full. Part 2 will be to present didactically interesting features about this, for example, how to turn a file into a partition!

Linus Torvalds is doing a good and brave thing

VideoÖ Linus Torvalds, Linux's creator, has decided he needs to change his ways and how the Linux community works together. Now, if only other technology leaders would follow his lead.

How to Create Python Virtual Environments on Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial, we’ll provide a step by step instructions about how to create Python virtual environments on Ubuntu 18.04.

Raspberry Pi I/O add-on targets aquaponics and hydroponics

Upsilon is Kickstartering a “BioControle” I/O add-on board for the RPi 3 designed for aquaponics and hydroponics. The $89, open-spec add-on offers power-protected 12-bit ADC and DAC, 4x relays, servo outputs, and sensor and logical I/O. We knew it was only a matter of time before we covered a board from Luxembourg, and that time […]

Explore the immersive web with Firefox Reality. Now available for Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream

Earlier this year, we shared that we are building a completely new browser called Firefox Reality. The mixed reality team at Mozilla set out to build a web browser that has been designed from the ground up to work on stand-alone virtual and augmented reality (or mixed reality) headsets. Today, we are pleased to announce that the first release of Firefox Reality is available in the Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream app stores.

Linux and Open Source FAQs: Common Myths and Misconceptions Addressed LinuxSecurity debunks some common myths and misconceptions regarding open source and Linux by answering a few Linux-related frequently asked questions.

Variety Wallpaper Changer And Downloader 0.7.0 Ported To Python 3, Adds Support For Settings GDM Background

  • Linux Uprising; By Logix (Posted by logix on Sep 18, 2018 7:43 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
A new major version of Variety Wallpaper Changer is out. With the latest 0.7.0 release, Variety was ported to Python 3, while also receiving some improvements like support for setting the Gnome Screensaver / GDM background to match the desktop wallpaper.

How to Change Cursor Size on Ubuntu Desktop

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Sep 18, 2018 6:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
This article shows you how to change the cursor size on Ubuntu Desktop by using the GUI and through command line.

Chrome OS 69 Finally Brings Linux Apps to Some Chromebooks, Night Light Feature

Google released today the Chrome OS 69 operating system for Chromebook devices, a major release that follows in the footsteps of the Chrome 69 release, which arrived earlier this week with a new look on all supported platforms and major feature updates.

Writing More Compact Bash Code

In any programming language, idioms may be used that may not seem obvious from reading the manual. Often these usages of the language represent ways to make your code more compact (as in requiring fewer lines of code).

Did you open source career begin with video games?

Certainly you don't need to be a gamer as a child to grow up and become a developer, nor does being a gamer automatically set you up for a career in technology. But there's definitely a good bit of overlap between the two. read more

Cozy Is A Nice Linux Audiobook Player For DRM-Free Audio Files

  • Linux Uprising; By Logix (Posted by logix on Sep 18, 2018 1:32 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: GNOME, Linux
Cozy is a free and open source audiobook player for the Linux desktop. The application lets you listen to DRM-free audiobooks (mp3, m4a, flac, ogg and wav) using a modern Gtk3 interface.

How to Run Commands Simultaneously in Linux

Let’s say you’re editing a configuration file in the Linux “vi” editor, and suddenly need to look up some data in another file? On a regular GUI system, this wouldn’t be a problem. You just open the second file, check when you need, and then switch back to the first program. On a command line, it isn’t that simple.

3 top Python libraries for data science

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 18, 2018 11:03 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
Python's many attractions—such as efficiency, code readability, and speed—have made it the go-to programming language for data science enthusiasts. Python is usually the preferred choice for data scientists and machine learning experts who want to escalate the functionalities of their applications. (For example, Andrey Bulezyuk used the Python programming language to create an amazing machine learning application.) read more

Linux tricks that can save you time and trouble

  • Network World; By Sandra Henry-Stocker (Posted by MLD67 on Sep 18, 2018 9:49 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Some command line tricks that can make you even more productive on the Linux command line.

The History of Various Linux Distros

  • Make Tech Easier; By Ada Ivanova (Posted by damien on Sep 18, 2018 8:34 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Linux has been around for almost 30 years. Here is a brief history of various popular Linux distros, the reasons for their creation and their philosophy.

Linux firewalls: What you need to know about iptables and firewalld

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 18, 2018 7:20 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
This article is excerpted from my book, Linux in Action, and a second Manning project that’s yet to be released. The firewall A firewall is a set of rules. When a data packet moves into or out of a protected network space, its contents (in particular, information about its origin, target, and the protocol it plans to use) are tested against the firewall rules to see if it should be allowed through. Here’s a simple example: read more

How To Install Asterisk on Debian 9

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Sep 18, 2018 5:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Debian
Asterisk is the most popular and widely adopted open source framework for building communications applications. It is used by individuals, small businesses, large enterprises and governments worldwide.

Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish New Features

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Sep 18, 2018 3:54 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Ubuntu
Ubuntu 18.10 which is codenamed as Cosmic Cuttlefish is around the corner, is planned to be released next month on 18th October 2018. You will be able to download this release from the official website as well upgrade manually from previous releases. This time there is no alpha or beta milestones rather testing weeks for releases.

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