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Redefining Security Technology in Zephyr and Fuchsia

  •; By Eric Brown (Posted by bob on Sep 24, 2018 8:21 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
If you’re worried about the fact that Edward Snowden’s old employer is helping to write next generation OSes that could run our lives in 10 years, consider the upsides. First, since these are open source projects, any nefarious backdoors would be clearly visible. Second, the NSA knows a thing or two about security.

ModSecurity and nginx

nginx is the web server that's replacing Apache in more and more of the world's websites. Until now, nginx has not been able to benefit from the security ModSecurity provides. Here's how to install ModSecurity and get it working with nginx.

How many programming languages have you used?

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 24, 2018 5:53 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Python; Story Type: News Story
Machines speak one language, but us humans, speak many different ones... programming languages, that is... from Python to Go to JavaScript and many more. It all got started with Grace Hopper. "The most damaging phrase in the language is: It's always been done that way." read more

How to Install Nextcloud 14 on Debian 9

Nextcloud is a self-hosted file sharing application that allows you to store your data, such as files, contacts, images, calendars, news and more. Using Nextcloud to store your documents can remove your need for using third-party hosting software like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud. In this article, we will install Nextcloud 14 on Debian 9, with Apache web server, MariaDB and PHP 7.0.

How to Install Custom Fonts on a Ubuntu System

  •; By Karim Buzdar (Posted by vitux on Sep 24, 2018 3:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
In this article, we will explain how to add and use a downloaded font on your Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system.

5 ways to play old-school games on a Raspberry Pi

They don't make 'em like they used to, do they? Video games, I mean. Sure, there's a bit more grunt in the gear now. Princess Zelda used to be 16 pixels in each direction; there's now enough graphics power for every hair on her head. Today's processors could beat up 1988's processors in a cage-fight deathmatch without breaking a sweat. But you know what's missing? The fun. read more

Linux or Windows: 25 Things You Must Know While Choosing The Best Platform

  • Ubuntu Pit; By Mehedi Hasan (Posted by bob on Sep 24, 2018 12:55 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
There are hundreds of Linux distributions available in the market which itself stands apart from the crowd and capable to compete with Windows OS or MacOS. In this article, I will tell you some of the best things to know when you go for choosing the best OS platform between Linux or Windows. So sit tight and get known all the facts and findings that are going to unchain you and let you feel the freedom.

How to create SWAP SPACE in Linux system

  •; By shusain (Posted by linuxtechlab on Sep 24, 2018 11:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Swap file or swap space is a file on Linux file-system that is used to hold programs or pages, in the event that the Physical memory aka RAM of the machine is full. Swap...

Test the new features in Fedora 29 Atomic and Cloud

Development on Fedora 29 Atomic and Fedora 29 Cloud editions is wrapping up, and features a range of new features and enhancements. Latest Packages Fedora 29 Atomic and Cloud provides latest version of packages from Fedora 29. Both Fedora Cloud Base and Atomic Host provide the latest available versions of packages in Fedora 29 containing […]

Qmmp – Qt-based Multimedia Player – the sound with no limits

Qmmp is a cross-platform, open source, Qt-based multimedia player. The default user interface is similar to Winamp or xmms. But there’s also an alternative user interface.

Open Invention Network is Rendered Obsolete in the Wake of Alice and It’s Not Even Useful in Combating Microsoft’s Patent Trolls

Changes at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and in US courts’ outcomes may have already meant that patent trolls rather than software patents in general are a growing threat, including those that Microsoft is backing, funding and arming to put legal pressure on GNU/Linux (and compel people/companies to host GNU/Linux instances on Azure for patent ‘protection’ from these trolls)

PostgreSQL performance tuning for faster query execution

  •; By (Posted by linuxer on Sep 24, 2018 4:44 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
PostgreSQL is a reliable open source database available in many modern distribution's repository. The ease of use, the ability to use extensions and the stability it provides all add to it's popularity. While providing the base functionality, like answering to SQL queries, store inserted data consistently, handling transactions, etc. most mature database solutions provide tools and know-hows on how to tune the database, identify possible bottlenecks, and be able to solve performance problems bound to happen as the system powered by the given solution grows.

Yes, you too, you can become a crypto-millionnaire

  • Cryptohodler Blog; By crypt0h0dl3r (Posted by crypt0h0dl3r on Sep 24, 2018 1:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Humor; Groups:
Cryptocurrencies rely on free and open source protocols such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Ready to hodl ?

How To Install and Use Docker Compose on Ubuntu 18.04

Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to define and manage multi-container Docker applications. It uses a YAML file to configure the application's services, networks and volumes.

How To Change Linux Hostname In Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, CentOS, RedHat?

Hostname is used to name the systems. Normally the computer networks work with IP addresses in order to identify and communicate. But hostname provides human friendly way to name, identify, communicate with other systems.

New Linux Distro Created Specifically for Windows 10

What’s important to note, however, is that WLinux is available on the Microsoft Store with a $19.99 price, but the distro is offered for a limited time with a 50 percent discount, so it costs just $9.99.

Linux developers threaten to pull “kill switch”

  • lulz (Posted by bob on Sep 23, 2018 7:15 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Kernel
Linux powers the internet, the Android in your pocket, and perhaps even some of your household appliances. A controversy over politics is now seeing some of its developers threatening to withdraw the license to all of their code, potentially destroying or making the whole Linux kernel unusable for a very long time.

Nmap-bootstrap-xsl Hack Creates Visually Appealing Nmap Scan Reports : Interview With Its Creator, Andreas Hontzia

  • Latest Hacking News; By Arif Khan (Posted by bob on Sep 23, 2018 3:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
As the title itself states, nmap-xsl-bootstrap, a brand-new utility or, better to say an Nmap hack, that helps in beautifying the regular Nmap output which comes out of your Nmap scans.

Understanding Bitcoin’s Legacy: What Was Satoshi’s Bitcoin Vision?

  • Bitcoin Exchange Guide (Posted by bob on Sep 23, 2018 12:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Community
Bitcoin’s code has been open source from the very beginning. (Satoshi) didn’t patent it or try to sell it. Meanwhile, his stash of roughly a million bitcoins, mined during the early days of the bitcoin network, has never been moved (aside from a few test transactions back in 2009). At its height in December 2017, Satoshi’s stash of one million bitcoins was worth about $20 billion, which would have made him the 44th richest man on the planet. Satoshi, however, does not appear to have ever touched his wealth. At the same time, Satoshi has not publicly revealed himself, which suggests he doesn’t care much about fame.

How to Set Up SSH Keys on Ubuntu 18.04

  •; By linuxize (Posted by linuxize on Sep 22, 2018 10:07 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu
In this tutorial we will walk through how to generate SSH keys on Ubuntu 18.04 machines. We will also show you how to setup a SSH key-based authentication and connect to your remote Linux servers without entering a password.

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