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Rust Linux Developers Compared To Road Builders & Mapmakers
Longtime Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) subsystem maintainer David Airlie of Red Hat has written an interesting blog post providing an analogy to types of developers compared to road builders and hotels.
Use Lilypad to Rearrange or Hide Panel Icons in GNOME Shell
You know how on Windows you can collapse icons in the task tray to keep them out of sight? Or on macOS, third-party apps like Bartender let you hide menu bar icons until you need them? Well, Lilypad is a new GNOME Shell extension that does the same thing, just for GNOME Shell. It gives you greater control over what top bar items are visible or hidden, and the order they’re arranged in.
How to Install Perl Modules on Ubuntu 24.04: A Step-By-Step Guide
Learn a step-by-step guide to install Perl modules on Ubuntu, list Perl modules on Ubuntu, and uninstall Perl modules from Ubuntu.
Zeek 7 Launches with Major Upgrades and New Features
Zeek 7 passive open-source network traffic analyzer debuts with comprehensive updates in scripting, telemetry, & analyzer configurations.
These Totally Free Games Are Worth Playing in 2024
Most "free" games are used to push ads, subscriptions, microtransactions, and dubious games of chance (that never quite meet the legal definition of gambling). They can leave you feeling frustrated, even if you haven't spent a penny.
Edgeberry allows you to build and manage Raspberry Pi IoT Edge devices
The EdgeBerry is an open-source platform that comprises a base board, hardware cartridges, and software for building Raspberry Pi IoT Edge solutions designed by Belgium-based maker, Sanne Santens.
10 Useful Free and Open Source Container Managers
This article focuses on container managers, software which make it easy to find, run, build, share and deploy applications using open containers.
With over 900,000 players trying it during Early Access, Halls of Torment launches September 24
Halls of Torment is basically Vampire Survivors styled like classic Diablo, it's bloody good and now it's just about ready to release. Announced on Steam the release date of September 24th at around 1PM UTC. Halls of Torment is Steam Deck Verified and has a Native Linux version.
Why I've Gone All In on Fedora Silverblue
Like most Linux distributions, Fedora Linux comes in many different variants. For years, I stuck with the default version: Fedora Workstation. Now it's only Fedora Silverblue for me. Here's how this version of Fedora won me over.
Linux 6.12 To Optionally Display A QR Code During Kernel Panics
Submitted today via DRM-Misc-Next to DRM-Next for staging ahead of the Linux 6.12 merge window in mid-September is optional support for displaying a QR code within the DRM Panic handler infrastructure when a Linux kernel panic occurs.
Debian 12.7 “Bookworm” Released with 55 Security Updates and 51 Bug Fixes
The Debian Project announced today the release and general availability of Debian 12.7 as a new ISO update to the latest Debian GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm” operating system series.
How to Install Suricata IDS on Ubuntu 24.04 Server
Suricata is an open-source IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) developed by OSIF (open infosec foundation). It can monitor and examine network traffic and process every packet to detect malicious network activity.
The Only Article in This Month Was Not an Article But a Link (and It's SPAM)
This is what the Linux Foundation did to after firing all the staff!
MongoDB takes a swing at PostgreSQL after claiming wins against rival
NoSQL database vendor MongoDB says it is making significant gains against open source relational rival PostgreSQL in a claim that seems to fly in the face of recent research.
Shotcut 24.08 Unveils New Subtitle Editing Features
Shotcut 24.08, a free cross-platform video editor, brings subtitle improvements, including new import formats and streamlined editing.
Rugged VersaLogic SBC Utilizes Coffee Lake Refresh Processor and ECC Memory
VersaLogic’s Swift is an upcoming high-performance embedded computer powered by Intel’s 6-core Xeon-E processor. This unit is designed for industrial applications, featuring robust capabilities such as up to 32 GB of error-correcting RAM, fast NVMe storage, and multiple expansion slots.
Linux Candy: nook - plays Animal Crossing hourly themes
nook is an application which plays Animal Crossing hourly themes on the hour. Animal Crossing is a social simulation video game developed by Nintendo.
Debian Orphans Bcachefs-Tools: "Impossible To Maintain In Debian Stable"
Even before the Bcachefs file-system driver was accepted into the mainline kernel, Debian for the past five years has offered a "bcachefs-tools" package to provide the user-space programs to this copy-on-write file-system.
How to Install ONLYOFFICE Docs on Ubuntu 24.04
ONLYOFFICE Docs or Document Server is an online office suite that can be installed on your local server. This guide shows you how to deploy the ONLYOFFICE Document Server on an Ubuntu 24.04 server, with PostgreSQL as the database and Nginx as a reverse proxy. You'll also secure the ONLYOFFICE Docs with HTTPS through Certbot and Letsencrypt.
Shotcut 24.08 Open-Source Video Editor Is Out with New Subtitle Features
Coming two months after Shotcut 24.06, the Shotcut 24.08 open-source and cross-platform video editor has been released today with new subtitle features and various other improvements.
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