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Meet Redis 8: The Fastest and Most Versatile Redis Yet
Redis introduced Redis Flex, cutting costs by 80%, and launched Redis for AI, empowering devs to build and deploy fast GenAI apps efficiently.
Arduino Core for ESP32 gets a Zigbee wrapper library
Some of the newer Espressif Systems wireless SoCs such as the ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6 support Zigbee through their built-in 802.15.4 radio. It’s been working since the release of the ESP-IDF 5.1 framework along with the ESP-Zigbee-SDK for a while, but Arduino support was less straightforward.
Linux 6.11 Kernel Features Deliver A Lot For New/Upcoming Intel & AMD Hardware
With all of the exciting hardware launches this summer, I'm a bit behind on writing my summary of the Linux 6.11 kernel features for that next kernel version due out in mid-September. But here it is with a concise look at all of the great Linux 6.11 features.
Deadlock from Valve no longer a secret - store page is up and we can finally talk about it
Deadlock, perhaps the worst kept secret from Valve, has now been softly revealed as the latest game from the maker of Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Portal and Team Fortress 2.
How to use the Linux ftp command to up- and download files on the shell
FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server over a network, such as the internet. In the Linux shell, FTP is commonly used for uploading, downloading, and managing files on remote servers.
You're Risking Data Loss By Using This Linux Wildcard Wrong
Linux wildcards let you type a single command that acts on whole groups of files at the same time. That’s a great time saver, unless things go wrong. And they can. Destructively.
Torvalds Still Calls the "Hey Hi" (AI) Bluff, Some People Are Upset
Half a year ago: Linus Torvalds on 'Hilarious' AI Hype: "I Hate the Hype" and "I Don't Want to be Part of the Hype", "You Need to Be a Bit Cynical About This Whole Hype Cycle" So Torvalds got asked about "hey hi" again (of course, hard to escape mindless hype and cargo cults that game the stock market). Today it's Linux's birthday, so what better time to examine what he said?
Wine 9.16 Debuts with Initial Driver Store Implementation
Wine 9.16 launches with Driver Store, Wayland Pbuffer support, MSHTML updates, and more.
RefreshOS: A Potential Debian-based Alternative to Kubuntu
In a never-ending stream of distributions based on Debian, we sometimes get to see some options that offer something novel, something that sets them apart from the rest.
Google Making Progress On 16KB Page Size For Android
Google Android engineers have shared a status update on bringing support for 16KB page size handling to Android. In moving from a 4KB to 16KB page size, Google has found a 5~10% performance boost but at the cost of around ~9% additional RAM usage.
How much can a 2GB Raspberry Pi handle? I put it to the ultimate test
With the release of a variant of the Raspberry Pi with 2GB of RAM, a board that costs $10 less than the one with 4GB of RAM, people have been asking the predictable question -- is 2GB of RAM enough? As with most things, it depends on what you intend to do with it.
How to Host a Website: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
Do you need a website, but aren't sure where to start? Check out our easy-to-follow how to host a website guide for everything you need.
How to Install Sysdig to Monitor System Load on Ubuntu 24.04
Sysdig is an open-source and comprehensive activity monitoring tool for Linux. It is used to capture and analyze application logs and helps you to troubleshoot system-related issues. In this post, we will show you how to install and use the Sysdig monitoring tool on Linux.
Happy 33rd Birthday, Linux!
Today is August 25th, which means that Linux turns 33 years old. Grab a glass of your favorite beverage and join me in celebrating the 33rd birthday of Linux!
NetHogs: Network Bandwidth Monitoring Tool in Linux
Learn how to monitor real-time network bandwidth traffic using a lightweight utility named Nethogs in Linux, with a practical example.
How to Set Up a Kodi Media Center on Linux
Transform your Linux machine into a powerful media center and elevate your entertainment experience to the next level with Kodi. Effortlessly organize your media, enjoy smooth playback across all formats, and stream content to other devices in your home.
Aether Collector is a mysterious point and click adventure set inside an anomaly
One for sci-fi fans, Aether Collector is a mysterious point and click adventure set inside an anomaly. Releasing later this year with Native Linux support.
Wine 9.16 Begins Working On Driver Store Implementation, Pbuffer Support For Wayland
Wine 9.16 is out as the newest bi-weekly development snapshot for this open-source software that enables running Windows games and applications on Linux.
Linux Deepin 23: A polished distro from China that Western desktops could learn from
A glimpse into the rapidly advancing world of Chinese open source. After a couple of years in development, Linux Deepin 23 arrives, with some new shiny that throws shade on the leading Western desktop distros.
Data Monitor: The Sleek Open-Source Android App to Track Data Usage
We have several apps (and built-in functionalities) to track data usage on Android. However, some still prefer a dedicated/separate app for the job, with more features along with it. Data Monitor is one such impressive free and open-source app (without any in-app purchases) that lets you check data usage, and offers some additional useful functionalities.
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