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Akademy Day 4

Today continued the BoFs, meetings and hacking sessions. For an overview of what happened today you can watch the wrap-up session video

Akademy 2015 videos available

Video recordings of the Akademy talks are now available in a low quality version to enable them to be released quickly. Higher quality version will be available later. You can find these linked from the talks schedule or look through the video files directly Links to slides will also be added in the schedule as presenters upload them Dot Categories: Community and EventsBookmark/Search this post with

Akademy Day 3 the start of BoFs, meetings and workshops

Akademy Awards. Each year the KDE Community presents Akademy Awards to people who have made special contributions. The jury this year was made up of recipients from last year.

Akademy Talks Day 2

The day today started out with showers of water drops as the late comers to Akademy waded their way amidst raincoated cyclists and residents of A Coruna sheltering themselves underneath coloured umbrellas...

KDE Community announces fully open source Plasma Mobile

Watch out Canonical, here comes another fully open source mobile OS.

Akademy Talks Day 1

The KDE community has spent the day in western Spain giving and watching talks showing new developments in the community and where we are likely to be going in the next year. The city of A Coruña is warm and welcoming, and almost reminiscent of Akademy 2013 in Bilbao, with the hilly backdrops and the oceanic linings as you see dark blue and black coloured t-shirted KDE community people trampling their way and wheezing throughout the trek up and downhill the steep tracks from the residences to the University Area where the Akademy Attendees have found their cosy haven. The day opened with...

KDE Devs Working to Bring Android Apps on Linux

  • Softpedia; By Silviu Stahie (Posted by thesilviu on Jul 16, 2015 11:42 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Developers are working to build a simulated Android environment that would allow users to run any kind of Android apps in a Linux OS. This work is still in its infancy, but it's happening and it will be presented at the KDE Akademy 2015 event.

LaKademy 2015

The KDE Latin America Summit – LaKademy – has found its way towards establishing a regular and consolidated venue for discussing actions, making contributions of many facets, and supporting newcomers for KDE in Brazil and Latin America. The 3rd edition of LaKademy took place from 3rd to 6th June, 2015, at the Information Technology Offices of Federal University of Bahia, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Interview with Lydia Pintscher: Akademy 2015 Community Keynote Speaker

Lydia Pintscher, our very own KDE e.V. Board President and a gem of a person; will be giving the Community Keynote Talk at Akademy 2015, in A Coruña, Spain. This is just a tiny peak into her brain for all that is in store for you in her talk.

Akademy 2015 - A Corusa, Spain - 25-31 July

For more than 1800 years, the Tower of Hercules has guided ships sailing near A Coruña. Soon it will beckon KDE users and contributors, when Akademy—the annual KDE community meeting—is held in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) 25–31 July.

Randa Meetings 2014 - Another Great Success

It's been quite some time since the Randa Meetings 2014 and even this year's edition of the KDE Community Summit called Akademy has already happened, but it's still nice to look back and see what was accomplished at this KDE Tech Summit in the middle of the Swiss Alps.

KDE at LISA 2014 - Seattle, November 12 and 13

There will be a KDE exhibit at the upcoming LISA (Large Installation System Administration) Conference. The full conference takes place November 9 ? 14 in Seattle; the expo is open on the 12th and 13th. There is no charge to attend the expo. Several members of the KDE Community will be in the booth—presenting various aspects of KDE; answering questions; demonstrating applications (thanks especially to Krita and ogbog); recruiting contributors, users, companies and sponsors. All members of the KDE Community are welcome to visit, to jump in & represent KDE, or to just make contact with other KDE people. These small regional gatherings are necessary until we are financially self-sustaining enough to justify a national gathering such as Akademy. The Seattle KDE group is off to a great start.

LaKademy 2014

From August 27th to 30th, 2014, nearly sixteen KDE lovers met in the 2nd LaKademy - The KDE Latin America Summit. The sprint took place in the Free Software Competence Center (CCSL) at University of São Paulo (USP) in southeast Brazil.

Akademy Wednesday and Thursday Wrapup

  •; By Jonathan Riddell (Posted by bob on Sep 11, 2014 8:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Video; Groups: KDE
Akademy continues with hacking and BoF meetings. This wrapup meeting video covers sessions from Wednesday and Thursday including accessibility, release team, user information reporting, KDE applications websites, KDevelop and share-like-connect.

Akademy Tuesday Wrapup

  • (Posted by bob on Sep 10, 2014 10:36 AM EDT)
  • Groups: KDE; Story Type: News Story
Akademy is in full swing here in Brno in the Czech Republic. The days are now filled with BoF sessions to discuss given topics and make decisions in person much faster than would be possible online. Here is the wrapup session from Tuesday which covered the outcomes from sessions on Solid, Plasma Media Centre, Inqlude, UI design, Frameworks and more. (Apologies for the rotation, YouTube says it is working on fixing it.)

Akademy 2014 Day 2 Talks

It was a cloudy morning in Brno.... luckily not as hot as the first day. The traces of fun from last night kept many participants similarly subdued but they were soon woken up by a truly inspiring keynote by Cornelius Schumacher, our fresh former president of KDE e.V.!

Akademy Award Winners 2014

The talks weekend at Akademy finished with the traditional announcing of the Akademy Awards, our recognition of the stars of KDE. The winners are selected by those who received the award the previous year. Winners for 2014 are: Application Award: Jean-Baptiste Mardelle for his work on Kdenlive, the leading video editing application which is now part of KDE Non-application Award: Michael Pyne for eleven years of kdesrc-build and its previous incarnations kdecvs-build and kdesvn-build which makes it easy to compile all of KDE Software Jury Award: Ben Cooksley for planning out our systems and keeping them running smoothly And two special thank yous went to Claudia Rauch for being KDE e.V. business manager for over six years and making sure we were successfully organised plus Daniel Vratil and the Akademy 2014 local team. Dan accepts the Akademy 2014 organisers' certificate

KDE PIM Newcomers

With Akademy in full swing, we thought we'd treat you all on a conversation with a handful of newcomers to the KDE PIM team. The conversation took place both online over the last months and offline at Akademy yesterday. Let's start with introductions, in order of their replies.

KDE PIM Newcomers

With Akademy in full swing, we thought we'd treat you all on a conversation with a handful of newcomers to the KDE PIM team. The conversation took place both online over the last months and offline at Akademy yesterday. Let's start with introductions, in order of their replies.

Akademy 2014 Day 1

Today, Akademy 2014 kicked off hard. The opening keynote from Sascha Meinrath gave some perspectives ... set up a distributed network in Washington, D.C. which avoids the central mobile grid. Sascha asks, "What if we could repurpose unused TV frequencies for broadband? Less than 10% of available bandwidth is used." GNURadio and other projects make it possible for more of this unused capacity to be used. Distributed infrastructure for a variety of technologies is awesome; open hardware allows for participatory technology.

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