This week at LWN: CentOS turbulence and enterprise Linux tradeoffs

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Aug 16, 2009 2:50 PM EDT; By Jonathan Corbet
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CentOS must seem like a dream distribution to many. Its users get the benefit of the massive team of developers that Red Hat has working on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux product without having to pay for any of it. CentOS offers a level of stability that cannot be found in any of the more community-oriented distributions; even Debian Stable requires its users to upgrade more often than CentOS does. Hosting providers have a solid, supported platform to sell to many thousands of customers, and it does not cost them even a single devalued US dollar. Many, many sites depend on CentOS, so anything which threatens the stability of that foundation is certain to raise a number of eyebrows. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened at the end of July.

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I shifted from CentOS to Scientific Linux... caitlyn 1 1,534 Aug 17, 2009 2:32 PM

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