10 differences between Linux and BSD

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Aug 23, 2010 10:05 AM EDT
ZDNet Asia; By Jack Wallen
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How often do you hear people lumping together Linux and any of the BSDs? I've done it on occasion, and I hear it all the time. Of course, there are plenty of similarities between Linux and BSD: They are both based on UNIX. For the most part, both systems are developed by noncommercial organizations. And I must say that both the Linux and BSD variants have one common goal--to create the most useful, reliable operating system available. Still, there are significant differences as well. And when people overlook them, the whole BSD community shivers with anger. So I thought I would do my best to help my BSD brethren out and explain some of the ways Linux differs from BSD.

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10 Additions hkwint 26 1,869 Aug 31, 2010 9:33 AM
oh, BSD, not LSD tuxchick 16 2,802 Aug 23, 2010 8:14 PM

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