That is Coursey

Story: Linux going nowhere on phones, says contrarianTotal Replies: 3
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Dec 11, 2004
7:58 AM EDT
David Coursey continues to show his total bias for MS. No surprise here. He never stop showing his total loyalty to MS and always comes out showing total ignorance. I can't say I blame him, the guy has to make a living some how and obviously MS has enough to sprinkle around.

Dec 11, 2004
10:15 AM EDT
Yeah, Coursey is quite ignorable. Another "personality" with little actual technical or industry knowledge. I wish I could get paid as well as he does to spout nonsense.

Dec 11, 2004
11:01 AM EDT
I can't help but feel that there is indeed a little over-optimism on the embedded Linux front. For years we have been hearing that Linux is really taking off in embedded devices. So where are they? Before someone gives me the standard list of PDAs (with which I am already familiar) let me explain what I mean. I live in US city with a population of over 1 million. And it is not possible to buy a Linux PDA locally. Not one. Not anywhere. Office Depot *used to* carry the Zaurus 5600 but they dropped it due to lack of customer interest. I can go to any large office supply store in town and find a dizzying array of Palm and WinCE units. But not *ONE* Linux based unit. I had to buy my Zaurus through Amazon. I don't like it, but I have to conclude that Linux is currently irrelevant, at least in the handheld market. I don't keep up with cell phones.

Dec 12, 2004
6:05 AM EDT
Do not despair, read the end of the article and you will see what is coming. Things don't happen over night. It took MS over 20 years to get to its prime even with no competition in sight. Linux started to make a dent only in the last few years and without the resources MS had and continue to have. My point is, the MS lackeys (Coursey, etc) are trying to kill the chance that Linux has at its enfancy. Many, especially MS & its lackeys, can read the trends. David Coursey and his likes are worried and so afraid to lose their air supply they are trying to pre-emptive Linux from taking off. They will not succeed.

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