The next SCO and the next Data General

Story: Rant Mode Equals One: What if Sun is the next SCO?Total Replies: 0
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Mar 22, 2005
7:24 AM EDT
It's possible for Sun to come out of this - but the culture has to change. For a culture to change, you usually have to change the people at the top. That means that Jonathan (the Darl) Schwartz and Scott have to go.

For Sun to survive, the Board will have to make some radical changes - similar to Novell: Let Solaris die.

For the Linux people still in love with Sun: you may have fond memories (I did) but this isn't your older brother's Sun.

Consider this: How long would it have taken for Sun to make $1.9 billion in the Linux business? Seems to me, they saw a faster return playing nice with Microsoft than they did in digging in their heals and making Linux work.

Finally, Solaris is not Linux. No way, no how.

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