Interesting story, tuxchick. Thanks!

Story: OMG Girlz Don’t Exist on teh Intarweb!!!!1Total Replies: 6
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Nov 08, 2005
7:56 AM EDT
Not being a gamer, it's a little difficult to understand the concept of an internet life as she describes. But, the story has classical implications and excellent dramatic structure.

She's a good writer. Looks like she studied creative writing. I recommend the read.


Nov 08, 2005
8:06 AM EDT
the page layout is interesting too...seems to take the reader deep inside her perspective. Helps that she's a cutie too...of course, that coming from an old leche probably means nothing.


Nov 08, 2005
9:14 AM EDT
I think it's funnier than heck, and spot-on. I dabbled a bit in online gaming with Quake, and if anything she understates what it's like.

A good friend of mine is heavily involved with some sims community, I forget which now 'cause I'm an old fart and these newfangled things slide off my brain. Anyway he's often accused - and I do mean accused- of being a girl. He's polite, well-spoken, and very smart, so I guess that makes him criminally female. :)

Jan 01, 2006
11:08 AM EDT
Well when the internet is filled with immature males(ages range left out because it's all ages). You get some really interesting and sad side affects. My friends wife and him used to play diablo together all the time. And then Age of Mythology. There are some games she doesn't like and some games he doesn't like but in the end.

The family that slays together stays together.

It doesn't matter how you spend time together as long as it is helping (defending,fighting off enemy hordes, Close air support, whatever)each other.

I just wish more ladies would step in and just admit that they play games and enjoy it. Maybe we can get beyond this whole notion of one sex being better.

Jan 01, 2006
12:39 PM EDT
She's a very good writer, as well. Quite the future ahead of her.

Jan 01, 2006
2:53 PM EDT
Yeah, I read this a while ago, but I forgot the link. Thanks for giving me a laugh again. Personally I think a gamer chick is absolutely sexy, but unfortunately where I live (somewhere in the Caribbean) girls like these are impossible, and and I do mean literally IMPOSSIBLE to me. It makes me even more determined to reach the U.S. one day, and the fact that I'm the best-looking guy around here will help too... ;-)

Jan 01, 2006
8:30 PM EDT
on Ubuntu the girls even have an own forum ;-)

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