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Story: Linux News says Microsoft Engaged in Persecution and DiscriminationTotal Replies: 1
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Nov 21, 2005
7:46 PM EDT
Personally I think it's great the companies like Novell, Red Hat, IBM, etc are taking on companies like SCO and sometimes Microsoft. I really think that the biggest issue at hand and I am not insulting anyone with this comment; Is that we as Linux and UNIX users revel in our secret ability to use these tools. I saw one Linux commercial once with Mohammad Ali and that was it. How great would it be if Novell started tauting their Suse or Red Hat said, "We have what you need and really want" on television. I don't even have to look at the TV when a MS commercial comes on. The starting music and narrator totally give it away.... The companies above are great and they do great work but they need to actually tell people they are doing it!

One other comment I have is that these companies (and us users) need to push on hardware makers and software companies alike to get them to work with the Linux/UNIX community. A perfect example and just an example, ATI... Make a driver that works with out all the hassle. I think it falls to trust, I don't think that companies feel they can trust people that are open... After all it is an Utopian concept that we don't want to take anything away from them. We just want to enjoy it too, contribute to it, possibly make it better and with out the cumbersome effects of "Big Brother MS".

Nov 21, 2005
8:14 PM EDT
bryhawks: I agree with your sentiment. Unfortunately, we don't do well at organizing campaigns. UNIX and Linux communities flourish because we have so many different thinkers collaborating and finding knowledge together. Politicians, we're not.

That's why organizations like OSDL need to take on that respsonsibility.

We do a pretty good job of communicating, discussing and keeping track of news. Some of us can write. We hope to bring real news and information to decision makers so they can make informed decisions. I think we're doing a good job of that, but it's like laying bricks, we have to do it day by day, one day at a time.

You're articulate. Submit an article and we'll work with you to get it into the public domain.

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