Finally, some one has spoken the truth, wait from the EU?

Story: European Union slams Microsoft, Yahoo and GoogleTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Dec 20, 2005
7:09 AM EDT
As usual I did not read the article, the summary was enough for me:

The buck is more powerful than freedom (or is it the Yaun? - they are financing out budget deficit) business is business (or alternative wording business is politics and all power resides in said combination).

I thought the EU, just had a mini fit when they wanted to sell weapons to the mainland, mere details like shooting their own rural inhabitants, poisoning the drinking water and the air was not enough to stop them. Oh, what was it - oops those damn nukes in N. Korea. Well let's hope that was temporary, you know there is good business in weapons.

Is the future is so vaunted in China that everyone is dying to put down their bets on the next world driving economy? I, however, with my little mind cannot understand the rush to produce trite items at higher energy input thousands of miles distant from their supposed target selling locations when more resources and investment must be expended to bring it to market. That is, unless this is just a temporary measure where when George Bush (the dumber) leaves the throne bills come due and the U.S. slides irreversibly into to third world status.

I would warn those betting on the sure supremacy of the New China, with the rampant corruption (as our true friend Karl has written: the historical imperative of ruling class contradictions leads to ... [well he couldn't get everything right]) has lead to extreme and bloody over throwing of brutal, corrupt regimes. However, the mayhem that followed has in the past been so destructive that the populous seems to value societal stability too highly, thus, allowing a new repressive regime to arise upon the ashes of the former only to repeat the mistakes once again.

Perhaps all that inward rush of capital and countries are secretly aimed at bringing the increasing threatened political structure down, however, I doubt that is their real intent though unintentionally they may do their part to hasten the inevitable.

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