It's a $100 Linux Desktop

Story: Desktop Linux versus Windows XP shootout writer needs help -any volunteers?Total Replies: 1
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Dec 20, 2005
8:54 PM EDT
I think George has pulled a fast one. The whole point is "a Linux desktop" came preinstalled on a $100 PC, something Microsoft can't do or aren't willing to subsidise an equivalent effort (800x600 XP lite doesn't count).

Arguing about boot up times on a $100 PC would have to be the most senseless "bait and switch" ploy imaginable - yet a lot of people appear to be buying into it.

If boot times were a priority would you really be looking at a $100 desktop PC?? Don't forget the people who buy these cheap PCs are primarily interested in the preinstalled programs and what they can do with them .....

IMHO If boot times are a crucial desktop function then rather than debating the x-xx seconds it takes to start the PC at the beginning of the day shouldn't we be asking ...... why don't we all have "instant on" computers?

Cheers rob

Dec 21, 2005
4:40 AM EDT
Rob: You know that if you use a boot up manager and remove unnecessary service scripts you can make Linux boot in a few seconds and certainly faster than Windows. I alrady address how to make OOo beat MS Office.

Linux ships in mid-ground mode with swappiness at 60. The first thing on the agenda of the boot process is to page into the hard drive. For developers and people who compile programs all day, that's fine. But for desktop users, Linux needs tweaking. I don't want it paging to disk.

But, the guy never ran any benchmarks because the Microsoft EULA doesn't allow it.

What he did run -- and this really impressed me -- WOW -- "the hardware's power-on self-test". Wooooweee. Now that's great!!!!

Otherwsie, your points are well received. Thank you.

Your points are so well taken!

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