AMD winner then

Story: Is Intel Going Hollywood?Total Replies: 1
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Dec 31, 2005
5:41 PM EDT
Well if they do that i will jump on the AMD bandwagon. IF intel want to lose hightech users thats fine by me. Intel will be the loser in the long run. Every company that uses drm (shit) in there stuff will sooner or later lose the sales , reputation and/or both...all you need to understand that is to look back at the history.

Jan 01, 2006
2:33 PM EDT
However, as long as you and I continue to buy DVDs, digital HDTV, etc. at a record pace.... I doubt anyone will take these issues seriously.

With that said, new markets are opening up world wide. Thought many of those markets are a pirates playground, legitimate use may drive the removal of drm in those countries... of course, one could argue that's the whole reason behind things like region coding.

Americans are like dumb sheep.... but I wish we weren't.

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