OK...I flinched...

Story: 2006 is NOT the year for Linux on the desktopTotal Replies: 0
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Jan 10, 2006
2:44 PM EDT
seems most of the level-headed among us have left this one alone...leave it to me to blink. Les'see...where do I start?

I do wish those who choose to write things like this would be a bit more knowledgeable about the subject matter. Appgen has provided Linux Accounting Software for a while now, and it imports Quickbooks data. Sure it costs money...what developer do YOU know that would keep up with the tax and financial changes on a weekly basis for free? that's my point...I doubt there is anyone who would, for free anyway.

Let me quote...

I'm just trying to quell some of the hype that generally accompanies a new year. If some of that energy went to lobbying software and hardware makers to take another look at the burgeoning Linux desktop market, perhaps some real change could be affected that would spur Linux desktop adoption....

The author raises some good points, albeit a bit abruptly, but they are valid none-the-less. It does me good to see him hammer the lack of wireless drivers first rattle out of the box. I got hammered for my piece on this deficiency. I just wonder where he was when I was at Dell, Samsung/Austin and IBM; lobbying for just what he complains about.

I guess he is leaving that for the rest of us. That's fine...it gives us who are without code something "meaningful" to do.

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