It's an insane judgement

Story: Microsoft's FAT patent upheldTotal Replies: 2
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Jan 11, 2006
2:11 PM EDT
FAT filesystems are directly derived from CP/M's. There is no innovation in moving the allocation data from amongst the directory data into a separate table. Nor is there innovation in the way the long filenames work on FAT; several other such systems existed before VFAT. Finally, there are several parallel implementations, at least one of which is ~20 years old. In short, I can't see any grounds at all for granting the patent in the first place.

The next issue is the myriad devices which already use FAT. Digital cameras, memory sticks, MP3 players, 'phones... millions of them. And suddenly the court has given who a monopoly over all of this established technology?

Jan 11, 2006
3:54 PM EDT
AC: Read my lips: No new taxes - George Bush Sr. 1988.

Jan 12, 2006
4:48 AM EDT
Hey, George Sr. didn't break that promise.

He didn't create new taxes, he just raised the existing taxes.

Contrary to popular belief, he never really broke his promise.


Kind of like his son, the current President. He told the American People that British intelligence informed him that Saddam was looking to buy enriched uranium in Africa. He failed to mention that the US intelligence agencies had already heard these rumors, and proved them false. He already knew that Saddam was not trying to buy uranium, but that's not what he told the American people.

George W. said that British intelligence told him that Saddam was looking to buy enriched uranium in Africa. That was an absolutely true statement. After all British intelligence had told the white house. Did it matter if W. knew it to be false?

If Tony Blair told George W. Bush that Dick Cheney had purple Skin, and then George W. told Don Rumsfeld that Tony B. said 'Dick's got purple skin', W. would not have lied. The truth about the color of Dick Cheney's skin is irrelavent.

Technically, George W. Bush did not lie to the American people, he said something he knew was untrue, but he never lied.

Parsing politician's speech is a favorite family pastime here in Chicago. We're not called called the 'Windy City' because of the lake breezes, but because of our politicians.

I guess it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is.


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