what illusion!

Story: Byebye Google.Total Replies: 7
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Jan 29, 2006
6:41 PM EDT
I don't see any point of mixing politics and IT. I use Google because it is the best search engine, I use Linux because it is better than Windows, ...etc. When I begin to have problems with a software or hardware, I switch to an alternative that doesn't suffer from these problems. So what technical problems that Google will suffer from? Censorship in China will affect my search in Google and I live in South America?

"By doing this Google is setting itself at odds with humanity. It's saying "nevermind the repression, nevermind the intolerance and the injustice ..etc"

So you are concerned about Chinese government crimes against its people? You are concerned about Chinese people freedom and justice? What about US and other governments over the world crimes against humanity? It is not part of the media 'Brain wash' program? How many things we own or use is a direct or indirect result of a crime against humanity or environment? If we can listen to these things, every piece will shout “Crime, Crime Crime!”. But we don't listen to anything but the 'brain wash' program that we receive. We still feel guilty though! “I have principals, and I don't feel 'clean' if I keep using Google”. After not using Google I would say to myself: “Now I feel clean. What wonderful feeling!”. What illusion!

Jan 29, 2006
10:48 PM EDT
I never used the words "clean" and "unclean" but since you introduced them I'll go along with it. Clean and unclean.

To go along with something you know is wrong and not to speak out about it. How can you feel anything but unclean after such an act?

To go along with something that is wrong based on the idea that wrong is everywhere and there's so much and where do you start, is defeatist.

I can assure you, if let rip with everything I feel over Iraq, 9/11, Guantanamo, climate change etc etc etc I'd be kicked off this site. What would that achieve? Not using Google is a statement, a statement that I won't use the services of a company if that company is exploiting other people. I may be using products based on exploitation but I'm not aware of it yet. When I become aware of that I'll change. Just like I don't buy Israeli Vegetarian foods (and the Israelis make the best vegetarian food bar none) because of the way they treat the Palestinians. Now, I don't think Israel is sitting down saying "oh no, what are we to do? Sal isn't eating Tivoli Sausages anymore, we must sort Palestine out." On the other hand, every penny that doesn't reach them can't be spent on guns!

Every act is a straw. One day the camels back will break.

But if we sit around shrugging in resignation and go along with such behaviour then we are part of the problem.

Jan 30, 2006
6:44 AM EDT
Greeting salparadise, I'm sorry if my reply sounded 'harsh'. I'll explain some things but not defending my reply. I put some words between quotes because English is not my native and I'm not sure of the correct use of this word although sure of the meaning. Your reply is refreshing and this what you should write in your article. Why you didn't? If you are afraid of being kicked off this site as you said, then we have a problem here in lxer.com and we must find an alternative as well. The article doesn't reflect the person behind this attitude. I'm reading and listening many big sentences from persons just following the 'fashion' of news and they just want to have some attitude that after some time when the 'flash' disappear, their attitude disappear too. And I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I'm glad that your positive and optimistic reply 'destroyed' my sad and pessimistic one. Not only here, but inside my mind (which is the most important for me). I'm not sure if Freedom and Democracy will make China a better place. I don't want to see another Russia. But we can't accept the wrong because we are afraid from the worst. The dream of seeing a world based on peace, love and justice is coming back after so many disappointments and you have wan a supporter.

Jan 30, 2006
7:11 AM EDT
Sal has no chance of being kicked off LXer.com. He's a valuable contributor and a UK Editor.

His views are refreshing.

Jan 31, 2006
7:11 AM EDT
Sal, what about this:
Quoting:"... when results are censored on Google.cn, a notice appears informing the researcher that a specific item has been omitted due to Chinese government regulations – which is arguably far more subversive than the censored links ...
This differs qualitatively and quantitatively from the meek servicing of the CCP policy goals by, e.g. Yahoo and MS.

Check out: http://antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=8467 to see others that share your objective, but not necessarily for the same idealistic reasons.

Jan 31, 2006
7:32 AM EDT
Reflecting on the word use: idealistic.

Read Freud: The essence of society is repression of the individual. The essence of the indiividual is repression of self. Freud got a lot of things wrong - not that one IMO.

A salute to any individual willing to champion the cause of a world that works for everyone. Let's end repression and protect each other at the same time.


Jan 31, 2006
7:30 PM EDT
"Check out: [HYPERLINK@antiwar.com] to see others that share your objective, but not necessarily for the same idealistic reasons."

I don't think he shares Sal objective, because he wrote in the end:

" ... let us thank the gods for Google, which is pushing the frontiers of computer science and throwing a scare into governments worldwide."

I didn't feel he wrote it in an 'ironic' way.

Feb 01, 2006
4:37 AM EDT
EnGee - Have you lost all of your short term memory, thus, seeing only the last lines? I never implied the author of the piece agreed with Sal's stance. Perhaps your intent is to purposely divert attention from its real content. The article cites case after case of hypocritical attacks aimed at Google while these same people ignore or applaud dictatorial moves by their idols?

There is a certain sense of irony on the part of the author, but not pertaining to his view of Google. I suggest you re-read the article without preconceptions, because the author's intent is very clear.

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