voice actors.

Story: Loan Linux Your Larynx - Let Your Voice Be Heard…No, REALLY HeardTotal Replies: 0
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Jan 30, 2006
11:36 AM EDT
Many animation studios seem to be using Linux. They also use voice actors trained to do just what you need.

I'm not suggesting you want a commercial with Tom Kenny sounding like Sponge Bob as the narrator, but it may be to Lobby4Linux's benefit to start a conversation with production studios that do professional work.

If the pros won't do it for free, there might be some college kids on internships with the pipes!

(Maybe not Sponge Bob, but Casey Kasem not sounding like Shaggy would be good!

Shaggy: Like Scoob, would you install Windows for two scooby snacks? Scooby Doo: Uh Uh Raggy, Ro Rindows! Ruppy Rinux or Rellow Rog! Tee hee hee hee! Shaggy: Zoiks!)

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