Taking Linux4Austin to the next level

Story: Time to spread Spread Firefox's messageTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 02, 2006
12:43 AM EDT
Linux4Austin is a great initiative and I wish them every success. It's also a good example of the kind of thing I would envisage a larger "Spread Linux" project would foster. The only problem - except it's not so much a bug as a feature - is that it's a local initiative.

What I was suggesting is that all the main free software projects need some kind of umbrella site like Spread Firefox that can coordinate such activity for the maximum benefit. It can also channel funds from around the world, not to mention the skills of its members.

As I wrote in my main posting, Spread Firefox is important because it has done something that Microsoft could never do: marshal the enthusiasm of hundreds of thousands of users around the world. If Microsoft wished to, it could completely drown out the message of Linux4Austin through some judicious spending of its not inconsiderable marketing budgets. That's why the open source community needs to take projects like Linux4Austin to the next level.

Feb 02, 2006
3:00 PM EDT

Feb 03, 2006
4:36 AM EDT
That's why the open source community needs to take projects like Linux4Austin to the next level......

The actual parent project or umbrella for Linux4Austin will be "THIS is Linux". The funding end of this thing is going to be a nightmare. Not getting the money, thats the easy part. We have a couple thousand dollars pledged already and would be in the bank right now if not for the lack of a way to control it. I initially suggested that each city project set up their own finance committee and administrate the funds locally, but there are obvious problems built into that model.

A main website is being built now for listeners of the ads to visit and get started. myfirstlinux.com will be that site. Not that much now as the site-in-process resides on a private server until it is ready for critique.

Just getting this first finance committee has been a bust...and I don't blame people for not wanting to do it. It will be alot of work. What I think the solution would be is to (and this is cooking as we speak) find an accounting firm that would coordinate the entire project, regardless of which city was active. One central funding location and donation point. One less migraine for the effort. I am open to suggestions here because this is THE sticking point we face. Hopefully this volunteer accounting company will come thru, but until then...we're dead at sea.


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