
Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 7
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Feb 10, 2006
12:13 AM EDT
I downloaded the newly released Mepis last night. I have to give credit where credit's due - this is an awesome distro. A live CD that installs, comes with tons of browser plugins, a full version of KDE and heaps more besides. As a live cd/tool box it's great, amazes Windows users when you boot their totalled Windows box and casually save their files for them. The irritating Printing problem that was on all four of the rc's is gone too. I've just done copies for everyone at work .

Congratulations to the Mepis crew!

(dare I say this... personally I think that this is what most distros should be aiming for!)

Feb 10, 2006
6:07 AM EDT
I downloaded it but haven't tested it yet. I am sure it is very good because I tested the RCs. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with KDE 3.5.1.

To be fair to other distros, I don't see Mepis being better than PCLinusOS or Kanotix. They both are fine distros and they come with KDE 3.5.1.

One thing I see coming. After Warren indicated that he might base Mepis on Ubuntu instead of Debian, I see a potential that Shuttleworth might be acquiring Mepis for Kubuntu.

Feb 10, 2006
7:25 AM EDT
From comments on the mepis forum, Warren is considering the Ubuntu kernel because the DCC is considering the Ubuntu kernel. Being a one man shop, I'm sure he wants to leverage as much community help as possible.

I'd say PCLinux OS. Mepis and kanotix were all pretty neck and neck. They each have pluses that the others don't have, but they each have minuses as well.

kanotix has the most loaded in when you install, but configuration tools are lacking for newbies. This is not a problem for anyone with experience, and it is pretty pure debian so there is a lot of community help.

PCLinuxOS has the best configuration tools, and may be best for newbies. I don't know how close it is to its Mandriva/RedHat roots because I haven't used those distros for about six or seven years, so I can't comment on how much help those large communities are to PCLinuxOS users. It could be a substantial plus. Still the PCLInux OS community is friendly and helpful.

For a debian based distro, mepis has a nice set of gui cofig tools in its OS Center. Not as comprehensive as Libranet, but Mepis is more up to date. Mepis also has more wireless drivers than most distros, a big plus for laptops. Mepis is pretty pure debian, and has a large user base of its own

All three have good points, and are great for showing Linux off to the Windows crowd.

Feb 10, 2006
7:30 AM EDT

There may be some kind of deal in the works, but, I can't see Warren ever giving up control of Mepis.

Feb 10, 2006
7:36 AM EDT
jimf: Personalities aside - the industry is going through a serios consolidation period. Many distributions that seem viable are having problems keeping up with growth. That's when growth is a bad thing.

So, when you don't have the revenue to support your user base, people start looking for options. You can be attached to your business emotionally, then finally decide you have to give it up.

That's wide spread right now and I have no idea what Warren is going through.

Feb 10, 2006
8:52 AM EDT
Oh and Lxer had this story first. In a comment posted by me on Feb 7th near the end of this thread:

Once again LXER scoops!

Feb 10, 2006
9:15 AM EDT
Quoting:but, I can't see Warren ever giving up control of Mepis.


Warren doesn't have to, he would become the lead in charge of Kubuntu development. K/Ubuntu is lacking a good install from LiveCD, Mepis has an excellent one. No matter what anyone would say, Shuttleworth still has commercial ambitions for K/Ubuntu. Linux distros consolidation efforts will happen sooner or later. The top dogs will have their products under two major licenses similar to Novell's and Red Hat's; there will be a free/Free version for personal use, and another for commercial where software will be bundled with a service agreement for a fee.

Feb 10, 2006
1:14 PM EDT
Also didn't Warren say that all the Mepis guis would be gpl'ed? If you added those to (K)Ubuntu it would make for a nice setup....

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