IBM wants internal documents

Story: IBM Subpoenas Microsoft RE LinuxTotal Replies: 8
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Feb 23, 2006
10:46 AM EDT
This could blow up all over the place on the monopolist from redmond. It could also lead to some jeopardy for our lame duck administration. Is turn around fair play? Then its IBM's turn to bring a civil action under the Sherman and Clayton anti-trust acts.

Darl in a horizontal pen stripe suit would suit me. Thank would teach him to bring a suit against IBM.

Feb 23, 2006
12:47 PM EDT
Heh... Well, Sherman and Clayton anti-trust are no strangers to IBM. I guess turn about is fair play here.

Feb 23, 2006
2:55 PM EDT
Hark! I hear the shredders hard at work. Guess this delays Vista while everyone does their part.

Feb 23, 2006
3:41 PM EDT
No shredders any more txt. Sarbanes Oxley put an end to that.

They have to archive everything for 30 years and they got outsiders watching them. That's why Congress passed the Act.

I just read the subpoena and it looks like IBM is attempting to prove that Microsoft already had a UNIX license which it bought from AT&T, so they didn't need one from SCO.

Secondly, it appears that Caldera and Microsoft were mortal enemies and it looks like IBM wants to know how come they became friends.

Additinally, IBM wants to know about the relationship MS had with Baystar the Canadian bank and Canopy.

This looks like a hosing.


Feb 23, 2006
5:02 PM EDT
Tom, you are a babe in the woods. Who will protect you? Note: this is MICROSOFT, just like the W they don't obey no sissy Laws. Just watch the Balmer (affectionately known as Boomer, pronounced Bomb-er!) throw chairs after every question he doesn't like when deposed by the opposing attorneys.

They may even invite Cheney along to shotgun any loud mouth lawyer in the face. Accidently, of course.

This is the result of honest politicians, when they are bought they stay bought. [Nearly, to the bitter end.]

Feb 23, 2006
6:21 PM EDT
I'm a babe in the woods? GMAB

Feb 23, 2006
6:31 PM EDT
Lol TxtEdMacs, Tom is one of the least 'babe in the woods' people I've run in to. IBM is certainly no babe in the woods, and, now that billy doesn't have his mom on board...

Feb 23, 2006
8:08 PM EDT
This is a sad commentary but I want to relate it anyway. When BG's mom realized she was going to die, she made BG find a bride so he would have someone to take care of him when she left. His mom did everything for him including picking out his clothes. I said it was a sad commentary.

The issue isn't about BG. It's really about the fact that IBM decided to do what our wonderful buddies in the White House wouldn't: Protect Linux and keep the wolves at bay.

While I have issues with IBM, you have to like them for their contribution to Linux. They show they have some kahunas.

Feb 24, 2006
12:15 AM EDT
Have fun with this Register article. Old but relevant...

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