Understandable, though a bit unfair

Story: Linux (and the Mac) Aren't Even TryingTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Feb 28, 2006
8:24 PM EDT
Nobody trusts Microsoft-centric journalists anymore, especially competitors who are asked to give an interview. They don't want to take the chance that they'd be asked all the wrong, carefully chosen questions, that their answers will be taken out of context, or that only the parts of the interview favorable to Microsoft would be published. A few bad eggs have created a stereotype of Microsoft-centric journalists lacking journalistic integrity.

Doug Barney does criticize Microsoft from time to time. Here's an article from him entitled "Why I bought a Mac" http://redmondmag.com/columns/article.asp?EditorialsID=1039 .

Mar 01, 2006
4:53 AM EDT
Thanks for the link. however, I stopped reading here:
Quoting:... Linux will eventually get there—although I'm certainly not eager to replace my XP frustrations with what could be a bigger dose of Linux headaches ...
He hasn't even tried Linux from the implied content of that snipped comment. I would not trust him with that limited set of expertise. Moreover, he cites his past travails with Windows of all versions, yet his most radical step is buying his young son an imac stressing the price differential. Wow, so impressive.

When I first saw this article on some site or feed I had some sympathy, since messages from our editors even Red Hat have disappeared into the void when requesting to speak to a representative regarding databases. Moreover, other companies that have had recent interviews regarding their products even when queried through their PR representatives. Furthermore, this was the response we experienced despite making it quite plain that this was an official inquiry from the LXer (Linux centric) site.

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