I've got better copy for it.

Story: MS in geek sex hard sell shockerTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Mar 02, 2006
11:39 AM EDT
Thought-bubble from the geek replaces "what price are you paying..." ad copy with:

"Friday night defrag and spam-flushing meetings; twice-monthly spybot and spambot cleanups so she they'll let her machine back onto the campus backbone; panic calls to get her Word DOC files to open in Word by way of my copy of OpenOffice; and she's about due for a reinstall with all her personal stuff saved off to my thumbdrive. Thank you, Microsoft!"

Comic-sans copy replaces bottom text with:

"Hey, geeks, we've got a good thing going. Let's not louse it up with that OpenOffice and Linux stuff, okay? -- Bill Gates"

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