Haven't we all seen KDE??

Story: Frugalware Linux 0.4 RC1 Screenshot TourTotal Replies: 2
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Mar 06, 2006
2:54 PM EDT
I'm not sure why people still post basic pictures of their "KDE Desktop" as if it shows anything different about their implementation of KDE - it's not Linux anyway - just an environment that runs on Linux - no matter what Linux you're using... maybe I'm just overly picky?? It's kinda difficult to see what differentiates this distro when 85% of the screenshots are no different than an intro to KDE, OpenOffice, etc... it's not like Windows users are going to jump to Frugalware Linux 0.4 RC1 and any of us who would try it are very familiar with KDE.


Mar 06, 2006
3:16 PM EDT
I feel the same way, especially when I have to post these things. But, I have a way of looking at it that helps me cope. Is that healthy? Nevermind.

Here's what helped. I had to use Morphix at one point to do a project. Morphix was in the specification. At first, I couldn't figure out why the someone would issue a Statement of Work for this. I wanted to use knoppix.

To make a long story short, I discovered that the morphix people had a value add. They did something with knoppix that needed to be done. So, that made me see that something was unique about it.

So, now, I look to see what the packager wants to accomplish. Is it something that Havoc Pennngton won't include in Red Hat or Fedora? If so, maybe I want that thing. It helps me "get" what the people want to share.

So that's how I do it.

Mar 07, 2006
7:18 AM EDT
Screen shots 'illustrate' some of the interface configuration differences between distros. Many Linux users don't want to start with a generic KDE or GNOME and tweak the hell out of distros. They want to find a configuation they like and make a few minor alterations.

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