A bit superficial on Base

Story: Review: StarOffice 8: Office Killer?Total Replies: 0
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Mar 06, 2006
11:31 PM EDT
The review is a bit superficial on Base. You need to actually try it, and my feeling is, it lags quite a bit behind even the database part of AppleWorks. Far behind Filemaker version 3 or 4.

Maybe I'm missing something. But say you are an end user in a small office, and people end up wanting do track some kind of activity. In Filemaker, you would just set up all the fields. Some of them would be forced choice entries from a list, some would have to have entries, ie not null, some would be calculation fields to keep track of how long ago the entries happened, others might tell you the value by month.

Then you do a couple of layouts, one for data entry, and a couple more for reports. It probably takes you an afternoon, and then another for revisions after your colleagues ask you for some changes.

Try doing this in Base and see how far you get. I gave up and decided it was easier to use PythonCard or Revolution. The functionality needed is so simple, and yet it seems so difficult to implement. Of course, there are all sorts of problems with Filemaker in terms of mixing up data and program. Yes, but for ease of use by reasonably sophisticated end users - the old Hypercard market if you like - there is nothing to touch it, and every time you look at Base or Krita, you realise how far there is to go.

Wish it were different, but it ain't.

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