Story: How Microsoft wastes its money on anything but softwareTotal Replies: 1
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Mar 07, 2006
6:15 PM EDT
> I'd just use my funds to make all my products more secure, easier to use and more reliable..

This of course assumes that Microsoft is capable of making their software more secure and more reliable (easier to use I'll grant, they do that by taking all choice away from the user and making the decisions for them). I've seen no evidence that this is true since at least 1993.

Mar 10, 2006
3:50 AM EDT
The article is more from a 'shareholders point of view', while most articles about MS are from the technical point of view. Regularly, people tell about the brain drain at MS, so I think you are right.

I think the Daniel Robbins case, and the case about them fighting over the Google-guy says a lot here.

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