Late to recognize Linux server superiority ...

Story: How one bank found a perfect balance for Linux and WindowsTotal Replies: 3
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Mar 16, 2006
9:57 AM EDT
Let's just say that I think this particular CIO has yet hit the right Balance.

Mar 16, 2006
10:27 AM EDT
I agree.

I thought it was interesting where he used Linux and why.

If you do not want the critical parts of your computer network functions to go down, you have to use something that will not crash.

I'll bet that by using Linux "in pretty strategic spots" he made his task of managing the system many times easier than it would be if he was only using Windows. There is the obvious statement of the day. :-)

Mar 16, 2006
1:16 PM EDT
sharky dude: I wouldn't use Windows except to give it to terrorists so I could track their movements. Balance my .....

Mar 16, 2006
3:07 PM EDT
Tom: I'm with you, there are only two people I have known that deserve the gift of Windows.

The reason I found the article interesting was, here is a guy that is the IT manager for a small bank, and I can see the thoughts he must have had. "How can I keep this place running while not disturbing the natives" so to speak.

"OK, I'll switch the important network functions that no one but me manages and let everyone else keep using what they have been and I will not have to hear everyone complain about having to learn something new."


"I will not have to deal with the headaches that would come with running the server system with Windows."

MS desktops connected to Linux servers can be configured to be almost, or as safe as Linux desktops connected to Linux servers.

Personally I think that he was rather creative, with all the stiffs in the Banking Business I think it is amazing that he was even allowed to try it. I am sure that the big banks use Linux in their systems but were talking about a small fish compared to B-of-A, Wells Fargo, Chase etc. He must have either done a great job of selling the boss on the the plan or he must have done it and then waited to see when someone noticed.

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