oralux, blinux, emacspeak

Story: FOSS community, disabled users must learn to communicateTotal Replies: 0
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Mar 18, 2006
9:00 PM EDT
Sadly, I did not see any of these mentioned in the article:

----- Audio GNU/Linux distro for visually impaired persons http://www.oralux.org/

" 1. Insert the CD 2. Boot up your PC 3. Wait a few seconds (well, a few minutes) 4. Select a speech synthesizer 5. That's all, GNU/Linux is yours!"

----- Blinux http://leb.net/blinux/

"The purpose of BLINUX project is to improve usability of the LINUX operating system for the user who is blind"

----- Emacspeak --The Complete Audio Desktop http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/

"Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. Audio formatting --a technique pioneered by AsTeR-- and full support for W3C's Aural CSS (ACSS) allows Emacspeak to produce rich aural presentations of electronic information."

----- Blinux-Newbie -- list for blind people who are new to Linux http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/blinux-newbie

"This is a place where blind people who are new to Linux can ask questions and share their problems. More experienced Linux users, especially those who are familiar with Linux access tools for blind people, are also encouraged to join and help out."

----- Tips and Software for Blind Linux Users http://wwwcs.uni-paderborn.de/cs/heiss/blinux/index-en.html

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