
Story: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer hints at possibility of Microsoft litigating against LinuxTotal Replies: 1
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Mar 26, 2006
9:53 AM EDT
As we all know, SCO has shown nothing, and has done nothing to slow linux. If Microsoft gos forward with patent litigation at this date and time, its going to be money needed, spent on lawsuit(s), at a time when Microsoft is not able to bring a product to market on time, security issues and the overall growing fellings about Microsoft's monopoly and cost, that have many changing to linux even now in post SCO threats, will only damage Microsoft more; Ballmer knows this.

The USTPO is working with the open source community, many big players today, along with the creation of the patent commons, growing membership of the OSDL, and more; Microsoft unlike SCO of three years ago, will have a larger fight on their hands no matter how much money they have. Money counts, but Eolas did show one thing, that a mega-billon dollar monopoly, (Microsoft) does not take millions to win, fighting against. Lets see it for what it is, Microsoft needs time, litigation is the sign, the sign that a corporation is out of options to stay in the maketplace fair and equal.

Mar 26, 2006
12:15 PM EDT
Microsoft is using the same slimey tactic as always: FUD.

The purpose is the same as it has always been -- to terrorize. They cannot compete so they try to keep corporations and individuals too scared to switch to anything better. This is the only way they can keep people waiting for Microsoft damaged (and damaging) future goods.

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