totally agree

Story: Former Massachusets CIO vocal about open sourceTotal Replies: 1
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Mar 27, 2006
4:36 AM EDT
I totally agree anybody who promotes proprietary solutions like ie only web pages should be fired plain and simple.

IT is about open standards first and foremost - not about the companies that make the software and can take you to the most lunches.

open source is conducive to open standards because everyone can see the source and make their stuff work with whatever they need it to.

any company that forces ie only on the desktop needs to start rethinking it's IT standards period.

Mar 27, 2006
5:06 AM EDT
There are also plenty of proprietary examples of open standards being implemented as well.

You could buy a mainframe computer from IBM that uses COBOL and C (both ANSII standard languages), and hooks into your network via TCP/IP (an open standard).

Supporting open standards does not preclude proprietary solutions, but it does allow Open Source and Free solutions.

The worst thing to do is to implement proprietary, non-standard solutions.

(anyone willing to try net-bui over banyan vines?)

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