is down

Story: 10,000 bugs away from world dominationTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 10, 2006
5:23 AM EDT

Wow, this is getting slashdotted, I guess. The whole site is down or perhaps he's hosting it on some cheesy cable/DSL connection when that's often a no-no. Don't know.

I'd also like to mention to this guy that, being a 4 year convert to Linux, and a developer, I've liked how I can do more with Linux.

In the XP and W2K world, I could never trick out my desktop the way I wanted. With Linux, I can, and I can do it for free. In fact, if the APIs that make up my "desktop" are failing, I can jump, wholesale, to another set of APIs, such as switching from GNOME to KDE, XFCE, Enlightenment, Blackbox, and so on. I can even use a desktop API that is designed for some of my lower-powered machines, really making them speed up. Linux, regardless, speeds an old system up much better than XP or W2K would.

With command-line, I can create fancy bash, perl, and php scripts that go away farther than vbscript, jscript, and DOS batch files. I can also grab Glade, Python, and the PyGTK API to slap together a control panel for that command-line, giving it a GUI. Once you learn the basics of PyGTK and loading a Glade XML GUI file, plus shelling out in a process from Python, you can whip up hundreds of control panels if that's what floats your boat. In fact, that's how I made a front-end to my vpnc command, and it speeds me up a great deal in using that tool.

This guy also says he's a developer. I think he would benefit by joining a project to actually help improve GNU/Linux, especially since he worked on software at Microsoft. He could do it in many ways, but I think the route he probably would appreciate is to use the GCC. And if he just wants to put a GUI on command-line stuff so that he, and others, don't have to always use the command-line, then he should consider Glade, Python, and PyGTK.

(BTW, I'm not a Python fan, but I do realize that it is a stable platform that is sort of like the "VB" of Linux right now. In my opinion, they do some weird things in Python.)

Apr 10, 2006
7:12 AM EDT
It looks like it got Dugg.,000_bugs_to_World_Domination

I would give it some time and then try again later. It will level off after a bit.

I just tried it and it took a couple of minutes but it came up.


Apr 10, 2006
7:53 AM EDT
Yes, I'm running the server out of my house. It worked fine till linked to it. Actually the problem was that Apache would get confused with a bunch of incoming connections and wouldn't send out any data. Restarting would fix it for awhile. Now that I'm on 2nd page, thing settled down. Maybe I should start a discussion on an apache forum about that...I read apache documents about how to maximize bandwidth, but nothing about what should happen when a connection gets saturated--I am kind of surprised apache fell over...

Tracer, I also love that I can tweak my UI. Every Windows box looks the same and it is boring. There is windowblinds or something, but its a big hack, not widely used, and oftentimes significantly decreases reliability and performance.

You mention a lot of interesting tools which I've heard of, but not messed with yet. I'll check them out and thanks for the pointers! I'm learning PHP and JBoss is next. Lots to learn, but its very fun! I learned C# in 2000, and very little has changed since then. MS moves sooooo slooowly.

I am thinking about how to improve Linux, and I've got a number of ideas. One thing that I want to do more is to write things explaining that you can be a capitalist and support Open Source--but writing is very hard...

From a technical level, I think just using products and suggesting ideas and filings bugs is an important contribution.

I have used GCC in college and recently, but I think C/C++ are 30 year old programming languages and so should be retired as soon as possible. I'm a big fan of C# & Java but I think Sun has acted criminally in its poor stewardship of Java.

Regards, -Keith

Apr 10, 2006
11:41 AM EDT
If I cared about hacking, I would hack Python. I have two books on how to program Python, but I still don't get programming. I can get so far before I bog down. That said, I still like Python - it's pretty neat. ;-)

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