I figured out their angle!

Story: Microsoft + Open Source: Too good to be true?Total Replies: 2
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Apr 10, 2006
1:15 PM EDT
Next week, the headlines read "Microsoft files patent on the concept of Open Source, buys GPL. Steve Ballmer quote: 'We were here first! It was our idea the whole time!'"

Apr 10, 2006
1:28 PM EDT
Well everyone would be very happy if they would do that. Every company in the would could then sue them then. And they would lose big.

This 'We like OpenSource now' is just a way to catch up a train that is running full speed towards 'freedom'. If bill and company can't stop that train they are doomed. If they want to have a small company left they need to embrace opensource and that fast. Microsofts very big mistake was to not do an 'mac os x'. Now we see an reprise of an outdated system that is going to the shelf. Personally i don't know anyone who is interested in bying that. Everyone is talking about Mac OS X and Linux. And i have allready picked my choice 'real freedom'

Apr 11, 2006
10:31 AM EDT
I believe what you are seeing is the first phase of the following.

Embrace. Extend. Extinguish.

Be ready to see them cutting deals with FOSS vendors to 'extend' the functionality of their software.

You know the rest.

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