Define "do portable right"

Story: Why can't free software do portable right?Total Replies: 0
Author Content

Apr 18, 2006
7:58 AM EDT
I certainly hope that this was just a rant by the author to try to stir the pot and get things going....

The entire premise of free software is to empower the user, as opposed to the user requesting (i.e. begging) closed source vendors to please fix this or add this or that feature sometime in the future. This means that everyone has the right to use free software wherever they want or need it, with the requirement to share changes.

The article sounds more like the author asking why he is the one that might have to invest some sweat and knowledge to have his software "world" the way he desires it. I would state that free software has done quite a bit right and anyone who needs more is welcome to create more. The author beseeches others, including Google, to start projects to support the U3 standard. In other words, I want this...and this...and this....please go do this for me. Maybe it is just me, but I would use the tact of come join me in this useful endeavor instead of saying "Why weren't you here before me to make sure I would have ice for my drink?"

Remember "Free software" is not like free beer, it is actually the freedom to use, learn, and create based on the past efforts of others.

Go forth, learn, and prosper. Build your world and let others marvel. Don't complain because someone did not yet build the perfect world for you. Take it as the opportunity to create something better.

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