SPF is not dead

Story: State of E-Mail Authentication: SPF Dead, Others on Life SupportTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Apr 20, 2006
9:53 PM EDT
SPF is widely used by people who care to prevent people forging mail from servers they control. You're not required to use it, you're not required to have people check it, and you're not required to strictly define it. It's a tool you can use to prevent this kind of thing however you want. If people define it too loose, that's their problem. If people don't have their mailservers checking it, that's their problem. It's not a magical spam ender, but it sure does cut down on abuse like the typical automated spam joejobs.

If you get someone replying angrily to postmaster@ about spam that appeared to come from your domain, you can point to your SPF records and tell them it's their problem for having not enabled checking it.

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