It's about time

Story: Google Funding Firefox SabotageTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 24, 2006
6:11 PM EDT
There've been web standards like transparent png and CSS around for something like 8 years, now. It's time people just started writing standards-compliant sites and force Microsoft to get off its ass.

Apr 24, 2006
6:24 PM EDT
I like the idea.

You never even need to mention IE -- a little notice that the site is best viewed with a standards-compliant browser.

Especially fair if the site doesn't refuse to render so much as is bolloxed by the lousy rendering of the browser.

Apr 24, 2006
7:15 PM EDT
> Some members of the Firefox community have decided that you shouldn’t be allowed to view their sites correctly – or, in some cases, at all – unless you’re using the One True Browser.

Their site, their choice. But no, he can't have that can he? Do you suppose he'd feel it's equally OK for me to start dictating how his site should behave?

If he doesn't like the stand a site owner is taking, then he shouldn't visit the site. It's that simple.

Apr 24, 2006
11:24 PM EDT
I wouldn't call it 'Sabotage', more like informing those unfortunate many who have no clue what a browser is or whether it's part of the OS or an application.

If the sites content is w3c compliant and not rendered by IE, the problem is clearly IE, isn't it? I mean, I thought the strategy was adopt, extend and then extinguish. IE has to render compliant sites well, extend with Active-X and whatever else you can think of that's tied to the OS (with no regard for the security implications) and only then can they make other OS's go away.

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