take two, they're small...Penguin mints server

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Apr 24, 2006
7:21 PM EDT
what I wouldn't give to be able to open a tin of Penguin mints and take out a Linux server or two! maybe one of them with the PoE (Power over Ethernet) option? of course, they might be slightly stale, from when this product was announced on slashdot last year http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/03/28/2237230 or when the Digi Connect ME was announce in 2003: http://www.digi.com/news/pressrelease.jsp?prid=60

actually, with this small a computer, you could use the rest of the Penguin mints box for accessories. Imagine the combinations! Your own LAN party in a mint box? I want one with an RJ45 on *each end*, so that I can have an intelligent router/firewall/server in my mint box. (or inside the jack in the wall!)


William PS. but also see aforementioned slashdot article for the many security issues of a tiny networked computer (think that those keyloggers are evil?? this can interface to Bluetooth instead of PS/2)

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