Truly infuriating!

Story: EC reluctant to recommend OpenDocumentTotal Replies: 2
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May 08, 2006
8:44 AM EDT
"It is highly probable that we will strongly recommend the use of open document formats to public administrations. On the other hand, it is unlikely that we will make a specific recommendation, in case we will have two ISO standards at a later point in time," said the source. "It is likely that we will urge industry players to provide compatibility between formats, and in the long run to aim for one single format."

Can you believe this extreme amount of humbug? It's official. Politics is a game played between complete two faced bastards.

First the EU is harassing MS over a totally irrelevant program called mediaplayer (instead of the crucial WMx formats). Then they are throwing a hissy fit over server protocols (It seems they are backing down again. Good EU. Good EU. Now stay!).

When something truly leveling the playing field for Office Suites comes along, we get the above crap. We might have two standards. We want one standard. They might have to merge. Blah blah blah blah.

What are we blabbering on about here? ODF is a standard. It was the first. It is the most rich one. It's the most compatible one. There even is an MS Office ODF plugin underway. Just slam your fist on the table and state that ODF is the single accepted format. If the gentlemen software vendors will be so kind as to provide support within 18 months or else exit the premises.

I wonder who got enough money to buy a small, private island this time around.

May 08, 2006
9:28 AM EDT
The amount of total monetary gain going to an individual is probably considerably less than the amount required to buy an island. Politicians often seem willing to not only sell out the public, but to do it cheaply. :(

May 08, 2006
11:33 PM EDT
Clearly it's another victory for a pre-announced vapor-standard (which will really be a non-open non-standard).

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