naive cubed

Story: Splat! Frog Flattened On Internet's Spamway: Blue Security's Final WordsTotal Replies: 10
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May 17, 2006
7:44 PM EDT
Attacking spammers with doses of their own medicine was foolish. Anyone who doesn't know that spam is largely a product of organized crime these days is in for a rude surprise, just like Blue Frog was. This tactic might work if it is a large, organized, distributed effort, but even then I doubt it. The internet itself would suffer, and spammers aren't going to quit just because of a little opposition. There's too much money in it.

The most effective tactic is to take all Windows pcs off the internet. That alone will take down 99% of the botnets that fuel spam.

May 17, 2006
8:02 PM EDT

I experienced a small-scale example of some more foolishness with respect to spam. A year or so ago, my ISP decided to add a spam-filter for everyone. That was fine, but they wanted credit for each spam email removed. It would generate a notifying email for each spam email it blocked. (Just like MS Windows, it wanted a pat on the head when it accomplished anything).

I pointed out to them that it really didn't matter whether the spammers were clogging the pipe or the ISP's automated email generator was clogging the pipe in response to the spammers, the pipe remained clogged. Tag-team spamming is still spamming, regardless of the intentions of the spammer.

May 17, 2006
9:00 PM EDT
grouch, I would call that stupid cubed :)

May 17, 2006
10:06 PM EDT
One question. Since I assume that spam is only worth while to the spammer if it is answered, who the heck is the idiot who keeps opening the stuff and responding???

May 18, 2006
3:28 AM EDT
jimf -

a. When spam is nearly free to send out, you can make money with a teensy-weensy percentage.

Face it, enough people follow the Chicago Cubs to make spam profitable, and that doesn't even touch Jerry Springer audience members, or Air America listeners.

Oh wait. Never mind on the Air America listeners. Neither one of them could keep a spam operation going.

May 18, 2006
5:40 AM EDT
Dino, You forgot the Rush Limbaugh listeners or Yankee fans ;-)

May 18, 2006
7:33 AM EDT
> You forgot the Rush Limbaugh listeners...

Nah, they all use Mac's now, like their hero. :)

For the record, I do sometimes listen to Rush, but I can only take him in moderate doses. He can be extemely funny though, unlike Air America.

Now, if I were opposing Rush on the air, I'd get some woman who would talk in updated valley girl speak, call her Rush Bimbo, and have her make fun of the numerous Republican stupidities. She'd take advantage of all the dumb blond, sorority stereotypes. It would be hilarious, at least for a couple of weeks, and Republicans with any sense would like it as much as the Democrats.

May 18, 2006
7:41 AM EDT
jdixon -

That was the problem I had with Air America.

Franken can actually be listenable, though not consistently so.

The rest -- at least the last time I listened -- was like a screech chorus.

Limbaugh can be infuriating, but he tends to be entertaining, too, especially if you're a conservative.

Plus -- he actually does keep up with the news. His show, like the Drudge Report, can be a great jumping off place to go looking for news. I hear the Huffington Post has rounded into somethign similar for those of liberal bent.


May 18, 2006
7:59 AM EDT
> I hear the Huffington Post has rounded into somethign similar for those of liberal bent.

From the comments of the various active liberals I hear from, I'd say so, yes.

May 18, 2006
12:54 PM EDT
>Nah, they all use Mac's now, like their hero. :)


Oh I thought you were going to say prescription drugs but I suppose they are a bit like Macs (ducks)

May 18, 2006
2:07 PM EDT
dino, the question wasn't really asking for a serious answer., but my mind is constantly boggled by the naivety of the average (usually windows) computer user. If not ignorance, or stupidity, it's selfish curiosity that nails us monkeys in the end.

Oh Boy!... Free Cubs patch :)

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