typical mistake by the marketing team

Story: Paremus Announces Open Source Distributed Service Framework forTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

May 18, 2006
1:56 AM EDT
The press release is misleading. Simple facts first: that framework of theirs is dual-licensed. One license is the GPL. With the GPL you can use that framework in a GPL compatible way only. If you want to use the framework without sticking to GPL compatibility you'll have to obtain a non-free license. This is very similar to Trolltech's approach with Qt or Sun's approach with OpenOffice, no worries.

The press release itself is just another example of marketing people knowing nothing about software licensing, but that shouldn't blame the product or its licensing approach. To bad Paremus has a so-called "marketing pledge" on their website. Seems their violating that a wee bit.

Besides, can anyone explain what that Infiniflow DSF is actually good for. That press release of theirs is so full of shiny marketing bling lingo I can't figure out what the actual purpose of that software is. Marketing pledge here I come, lol.

May 18, 2006
3:21 AM EDT
So...After reading the press release, I fail to see what is misleading. The product is available under the GPL. At the very least, that means the source is open, making it open source in a lower-case sense of the word and, for some uses, free in the GPL sense. That is what the release says.

May 18, 2006
5:20 AM EDT
dinotrac: The GPL states that you can use the licensed software for any purpose. Restricting the use of GPL'ed software to "evaluation" or "development", as said in the press release, does create a conflict with the GPL. As long as you comply with the license, GPL'ed software can be used for "anything". Trolltech Qt licensing webpages explain this much better than Paremus's press release.

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