This is a Must Read - Hilarious!!!

Story: 86 Year Old Great-Grandmother Hoists The Jolly RogerTotal Replies: 17
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May 18, 2006
7:27 AM EDT
Helios, I laughed my hinder parts completely off. In fact, I'm trying to find where all of 'em fell right now. Let's hear it for Granny!

May 18, 2006
7:48 AM EDT
Seconded! If you don't read anything else this month, read this story!

My mother is 86 and I can imagine her and Alice getting along great. She was inspecting aircraft welds when the lady in the story was putting rivets in B-29s.


May 18, 2006
7:57 AM EDT

We obviously need a new law to apply to you, contributing to the deliquency of an elder. :)

May 18, 2006
8:41 AM EDT
Helios, what a great story. Even funnier is she's a better geek than you! :D

May 18, 2006
8:46 AM EDT
I laughed my whole way through this!! Good on Alice!! And good on Helios for having the guts to teach her!!!

May 18, 2006
9:01 AM EDT
Somebody call up Arlo. This could lead to the Alice's Jolly Net anti-DRM Movement.

You can get anything you want, at Alice's Jolly Net.

Click right in, it's around the hack, just a lap around the CD track.

You can get anything you want, at Alice's Jolly Net.

May 18, 2006
11:05 AM EDT
You can get anything you want, at Alice's Jolly Net.

Click right in, it's around the hack, just a lap around the CD track.

You can get anything you want, at Alice's Jolly Net.

But...I really was only busted for litterin'...honest.

Darned few can appeciate your humor grouch...count me among that dwinding number.


May 18, 2006
11:13 AM EDT
Still, welding rivets... weren't those hammered or shot into place?

May 18, 2006
11:38 AM EDT
>But...I really was only busted for litterin'...honest. don't forget 'creating a nuisance'.

Nice piece helios :)

We can only hope that we're that sharp 'if' we make it to that age. Discount the old folks at your peril!

May 18, 2006
11:46 AM EDT
From the article: "(don’t ask me what a “NadKnocker” is…I don’t wanna know.)"

Helios: Let me just ask if your Pa ever told you about the birds and the bees?

May 18, 2006
5:42 PM EDT
helios: >"Darned few can appeciate your humor grouch...count me among that dwinding number."

Dwindling? Folks are already running for the exits? Hey, I didn't actually ~sing~ about Alice.

I envy your good fortune in getting to know that lady.

May 18, 2006
7:39 PM EDT

May 18, 2006
7:58 PM EDT

I'm sorry.

$ man -k humor humor: nothing appropriate.

I think it comes with a non-defective ping.

[edit:] (You realize I still blame you for the trauma you caused by revealing my non-audible ping, don't you?)

May 18, 2006
10:22 PM EDT
> Hey, I didn't actually ~sing~ about Alice.

Grouch: Send him the Ogg-Vorbis of you and your wife's duet of Alice's Jolly Net!

Meanwhile, I'm probably leaving the country now.

May 18, 2006
11:32 PM EDT

You have a mean streak.

I like that.

It would be cool if some *cough* talented *cough* singers + songwriters put something together along those lines for Alice. Kind of a show of appreciation for her and her generation still inspiring younger ones to stand up and fight. They weren't apathetic when the world faced a more direct, violent assault on freedom.

May 19, 2006
3:39 AM EDT
I'm so ashamed.

So ashamed.

So ashamed.

To think that people I communicate with could spread such evil.

Oh wait -- that's the Satanists.

Way to go, Helios!!

May 20, 2006
4:00 AM EDT
weren't those hammered or shot into place?...

You got my interest up, so I actually drove out to Gaines Ranch/Heritage and visited with Betty.

She seemed a bit miffed that I was not up to date on the science of high altitude aircraft design,

Yes, rivets were "hammered". High impact and high altitude aircraft rivets were individually strengthened by additional "Flux" welding. One by one, and each plane held thousands of them. Seems the anti-aircraft fire would cause nasty concusions with even near misses. When stuff started falling off the planes at 18 thousand feet, R and D decided additional welding was called for.

That's what Betty did. I have scheduled an interview with her concerning those days. While it has nothing to do with Linux, it has everything to do with what THIS generation could learn from that one.

Tom Hanks has been telling us that for years.


May 20, 2006
5:51 AM EDT
Re: Welding Great! Learning something every day... [edited] Like this:

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