What point?

Story: Lots of bluster, but no real replyTotal Replies: 10
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May 23, 2006
10:21 AM EDT
Stitch: >"[...] my central point – that it’s bad policy to mandate open source procurement."

That wasn't the point Stitch tried to make. He tried to confuse open source with open standards.

That is the same deliberate twisting of reality tried by Alan Yates and every other Microsoft flunky since Massachusetts decided their citizens are more important than Microsoft's maintenance of a monopoly.

Now Stitch wants to try to rearrange history to suit a new argument. It's like trying to nail noodles to a squid.

May 24, 2006
5:17 AM EDT
>It's like trying to nail noodles to a squid.

And you know this because......? :^)

May 24, 2006
6:34 AM EDT
> And you know this because......?

That's a fair question, Grouch. Is this another hobby of yours? Retirement sure sounds fun!

May 24, 2006
12:34 PM EDT
What kind of crazy bunch are you folks, anyway? You act like it's an unusual pastime or something. Have you no respect for traditions?

There's just nothing like the family reunion around the old wooden rain barrel. Dunking the wee ones head first to let them catch the holiday squid; watching the tears of joy in their dear mothers' eyes as they gurgle and splutter back to consciousness; prying the squid's tentacles loose from their pudgy little hands and arms.

The nailing of the noodles is the most delightful, sharing part of all! I've seen squid so enthusiastic that every uncle, cousin, aunt and guest took a turn before finally getting it properly decorated and attached to the roasting log. Nothing brings extended family close quite like comparing blood blisters and exchanging tips on how not to split the thumb with the hammer nor split the noodle with the nail.

I just can't believe there are no noodle-nailers among you.

May 24, 2006
1:30 PM EDT
Well grouch, You have to admit that Squidlovian's and their descendants are not well represented in our society. Few are aware of their rich heritage, their unique customs, or other major contributions to our society. Luckily you are here to enrich our knowledge of this quaint Squidlovian custom.

May 25, 2006
2:13 AM EDT
Wow. As the druggies would say, that was some trip. Squidlovians are a fading culture.

A powerful blast of hot air carried us away and we landed in some kind of crazy institution where the walls were all soft and squishy but all the windows had bars. There were Lyons and Titches and Ballmers, oh my! Gates were everywhere but none would open. Chairs and plastic grass in astronaut suits were flying through the air.

Nothing was as it should be; everything was illusion and fear. Words were everywhere, but no one could use them because each word would magically redefine itself.

NoDough, you were there! They took your leg and threw it over there, then they nailed a parrot to your shoulder and glued a patch over one eye. They made you walk a plank because you had no dough!

jimf was there, surrounded by flying, infected jpegs! Each time he created one, it turned into a diseased monster and tried to destroy the others!

dinotrac was there but wasn't dinotrac. He was some evil green thing in a suit and had no heart, but was all chin! He kept ranting in the voice of Boris Karloff that freedom was an un-Constitutional cancer that would destroy capitalism and apple pies!

D.C.P.! D.C.P.! You were there, trying to stick a fork in some squirmy stuff that kept slithering between the prongs!

Through the tangles and traps and twisting words, from a hole in the soft walls, came a chorus :

"But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here, All the pigeons gonna run to him. Come all without, come all within, You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn."

As we ran up the grove toward the singing, we finally grokked that the distortions, redefinitions and mangling of our standards of communication can stall man's quest for freedom for the individual.

From that heartless institution of failure, unease and dubiety came a parting, whining shriek as we scattered in our various ways into the light, "I'll get you little GNUbies, and your little tuxchick, too!"

I never want to go back to such a horrid place.

May 25, 2006
3:22 AM EDT
apple pies and capitalism....mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

May 25, 2006
6:39 AM EDT

I didn't understand a word of that! Have you been taking lessons from Titch?

...and somebody get this $%^@#$ parrot off my shoulder!

May 25, 2006
6:48 AM EDT

Sorry. I tried to figure out how a standard for a document file format dictates to a government that it must purchase software that can be freely downloaded, and my mind blew a fuse. I got sucked into that crazy world of continuously redefined words, for a while.

May 25, 2006
7:05 AM EDT

..and your little dog, too?

May 25, 2006
7:36 AM EDT

It scares me when you start talking about little dogs. You're not going to pull that strange heart restart ritual again, are you?

BTW, in case I didn't tell you already, I really enjoyed your "Comment of the day". You had two lines in there that concisely cover the entire issue of Microsoft's disingenuous whining:

"Microsoft is, of course, free to implement the standard, much as it chooses to implement http and html in Internet Explorer. The standard is documented, published, and free of strings."

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