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Story: Lots of bluster, but no real replyTotal Replies: 3
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May 23, 2006
10:29 AM EDT
It's official. I'm a zealot now. Per Steven Titch, Senior Fellow, The Heartland Institute. - dcparris

In other words, you are not gullible, you are not easily corruptible and you dare to fight for a cause you believe in, instead of just waving the white flag.

Calling anyone a zealot these days means you can't handle the merit of their words and actions and you can't refute their statements.


May 23, 2006
11:20 AM EDT
In fact, he admitted to screwing up one fact. Aside from the question of intent or ineptitude, he still missed the implications of the other important facts he failed to acknowledge. For instance, if Microsoft is capable of implementing ODF, then his whole point is moot.

May 23, 2006
11:32 AM EDT
And, of course, in spite of complaining that people don't answer his points, he provides no means to do so. At least he provided a link to LXer so that people can read the responses here.

Which is perhaps fortunate for him, as his "central point", "that it’s bad policy to mandate open source procurement" is a complete straw man. The Massachusetts law does nothing of the kind. It only mandates the use of standard storage formats. Whether a particular vendor chooses to implement those formats is up to them.

Oh, and DC, you work for an overtly Linux and FOSS oriented site. Obviously you're the unacknowledged result of a liason between the children of Stalin and Mao. :)

May 23, 2006
11:43 AM EDT
> Obviously you're the unacknowledged result of a liason between the children of Stalin and Mao. :)

Excellent jdixon!

Great to finally know that Don, a retired US Marine, and now a Reverend, is really the Red Menace. Now the world makes sense.

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