There's a sucker born every minute

Story: Think tanks like Heartland and their ties with Microsoft: What everybody should knowTotal Replies: 9
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May 28, 2006
5:43 PM EDT
Well, that's how I read Heartland's motivation.

It's also interesting to read from this pro-smoking site that they admit to 10% of all smokers dying from their habit. So... they admit to 10% of all smokers dying: what's the real figure like? In this city alone (Perth, Western Australia), that's at least 300,000 dying smokers -- about ten Geraldtons or Albanies -- and these marketers reckon that's a desirable outcome?

How is that huge array of deaths better than, say, from something like AIDS or Golden Staph?

Heartland are totally mercenary losers, I think. An ironic name.

Then turn to a dole user, a typical Aussie smoker claiming one pack a day and really sucking down two. Call it a round AUD$10.00 a pack, government-funded. so about AUD$7,000.00 a year per person. Out of roughly AUD$10,000 a year. So it's killing the smokers' lifestyle and choices as well as killing their bodies. Is this a good outcome?

Then why should we be stupid enough to believe anything else which these opinion-retailers try to sell us?

May 28, 2006
6:03 PM EDT
hio -

Think about it: 10% is a huge number.

For starters, we all die anyway. Every accidental death, every suicide, every non-cigarette related death is a potential cigarette-related death that didn't get a chance to happen.

Smokers, by definition, don't practice the best of health habits anyway. If they die off before the cigarettes can get them -- or if the cigarettes contribute but are not the clear cause of death -- they won't show up in the numbers.

And we're not even talking about people who lose a lung, or walk around with an oxygen bottle to survive their emphysema.

May 28, 2006
6:59 PM EDT
> So... they admit to 10% of all smokers dying: what's the real figure like?

As I tell everyone who smokes and gives me the least excuse. It isn't a question of whether smoking will kill you or not; it's a question of whether something else will kill you first. If nothing else kills you, smoking will.

May 28, 2006
7:33 PM EDT
> If nothing else kills you, smoking will.

The same argument could be made for old age!!! ;-)

Sorry! I just had to say that! ;-)

Don K.

May 28, 2006
7:57 PM EDT
dek -

Nobody ever dies of too much old age.

They die of not having quite enough!

May 29, 2006
1:15 AM EDT
dinotrac: smarty-backsided but true. (-:

Also, the 10% is all that they will *admit* to. What's the *real* figure?

May 29, 2006
1:18 AM EDT
BTW, hioho is NZ for pengiun (literally, "noisemaker"), and they found fossils of 3m-tall birds in the beach just north of LCA2006 (which I make at over 600kg scaled weight, donna pincha mine fish!).

But I'm from Oz, one better than NZ. (-:

May 29, 2006
2:30 AM EDT
>But I'm from Oz, one better than NZ. (-:

So long as you watch out for the flying monkeys and their wicked witch friends...

May 29, 2006
8:57 PM EDT
A 9 foot tall Penguin?

Man, that's a BIG penguin.


Jun 01, 2006
12:39 PM EDT
It appears that Heartland is once again spreading its mis-information (or is it diss-information?) about another subject. This time it's to rail against Houghton-Mifflin who recently published a book called "Chew on This". The book, which is essentially a kid-friendly version of their "Fast Food Nation" book takes to task the likes of McDonalds and other fast-food companies for producing food-products that are unhealthy and shortening the lives of our kids.

Despite the personal attacks on the authors, H-M is apparently fighting back however. (Good for them!) And there's an article about it at Publisher's Weekly -

So it looks like the Heartland Institute is a friend of no one except their financial contributors. "Chew on THIS", baby!

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