Audible ping is nice...

Story: Tutorial: The Penguin's Practical Network Troubleshooting GuideTotal Replies: 1
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Jun 08, 2006
6:10 AM EDT
...but doesn't work out of the box at least on FC4.

You have to load the PC speaker driver pcspkr by modprobing it. If your box still has an oldfashioned little beeper inside...

Jun 08, 2006
9:21 AM EDT
Good grief, that sounds so weird! Gotta have that pcspeaker trouble beeps, how else will you know there's a problem? Other than nothing working, that is.

Show of hands: who remembers the early sound-card-and-speaker days, when a Hi-Val outfit cost $100, so the frugal geek would try a number of freeware hacks to pipe game soundtracks and other audio through the pc speaker? sounded soooo fine.....

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