In a related study, the Blaster Virus promotes windows

Story: Linux down time may be due to missing documentation or changing ...Total Replies: 0
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Jun 09, 2006
7:27 PM EDT
If you haven't seen the study from Yankee Group that explains why you should switch to windows to protect your self from the (Windows only) blaster virus, it really is worth a read.

Best I can tell, the linux server's failure was in the fact that it didn't patch the windows boxes the necessary two times a day that a Windows server would have done.

You know Windows, it needs it's daily fix to stay functional. The way I see it, Linux is the rehab counselor of the Operating System world, it doesn't offer windows the fix. A little bit of suffering is an unfortunate but necessary step in the recovery process. Of course, the first step is always to admit that you have a problem.

-> Fritz

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