Story: French Law Affects Copyright, DRMTotal Replies: 1
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Jul 01, 2006
9:29 AM EDT
P-to-P and music may be hit, I don't see legal copyright owners to offer their code under any licence having anything to do with DRM. The GPL does not "allow" DRM, without source code, so, I don't see anyone being able to tie open source hands. If the French Gov wants respect, they are going to have to respect legal copyrights and the developers. If not, the French will kill much of its economy off as well as small business that is creating jobs and bringing money. It can be a mess, again, if the French Gov does this right, it could be the line in the sand open source needs. DRM'ers, have wanted things both ways, they want to have a market in open source, but do not want to play by the rules of open source. Well, now it seems they will have to, DRM techs will have to make some large legal choices now, can't hide the tech, they just may want to stay away from open source with their DRM tech or the French Gov is going to bust.

Jul 01, 2006
2:06 PM EDT
Jack_: >"The GPL does not "allow" DRM, without source code, so, I don't see anyone being able to tie open source hands."

Careful. One of the reasons for GPLv3 is "Tivoisation", where you are provided source code but the device refuses to work with any modifications you make.

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