The methods used reveal the truth.

Story: "Worst copyright law in Europe" passed in FranceTotal Replies: 1
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Jul 09, 2006
8:48 PM EDT
At the end of the day it comes down to this...

If the law is fair and necessary, why do they have to use underhand methods to get it passed? Surely it should bear the most rigorous scrutiny if it's a good law?

The methods used show for real what is going on. If then the law makers effectively cheated to get the law passed, how then can expect people to respect and obey it?

Another case of law being passed to protect corporations against people and not, as it should be, the other way around.

Jul 10, 2006
12:18 AM EDT
After reading Florian Müller's "No Lobbyists As Such: The War over European Software Patents", some of those tactics to get the law passed seem all too familiar...

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