CLI for Desktop users?

Story: Linux "phrase book" offers on-the-fly CLI tipsTotal Replies: 1
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Jul 15, 2006
8:49 AM EDT
It's also a useful reference book for desktop Linux users who want to learn a bit about using the command line.

Will there be any? Depending on which sites will run this story ( is not one of them), there will be the stalwart comments:

"CLI? This is 2006!" "Why use the CLI if we have a GUI?" "Can't the CLI die already? We've moved on!" "I don't want or need antiquated technology!"

Don't advocate the CLI to recent Windows expatriots. They are screaming to get a bike with training wheels, while you will waste large amounts of time to get them to accept the shiny Porsche 911.

The CLI is for powerusers and professionals. The GUI is the sole domain for the people who don't really know what a computer is.

Jul 15, 2006
9:11 AM EDT
> The GUI is the sole domain for the people who don't really know what a computer is.

Wait a minute r_a_trip... While I think that It's essential that users know the CLI, not knowing the GUI just shows that you don't know what the computer can be used for. Ya pretty much need to know both.

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