
Story: JEE - no funeral plannedTotal Replies: 6
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Jul 23, 2006
10:38 AM EDT
God, I only wish this were true. Java sucks. So say you want to learn Java. It's easy to learn. You can read and write to a web page fairly easily, or write Hello Vicious Backstabbing World to the console. You can do some math fairly easily. But then you get out in the real world and find that you need to do something. You go out and find that very function that does just what you wanted your system to perform. You then read up on it and find it needs a certain kind of variable to be passed to it or it spits out goobly gook, truncates the data, or errors out. So then you go hunting for that one function or object method that generates that particular variable type. A few hours later, you find it. But then you find that it, too, has dependencies and wants a particular type of variable. By the end of the day, you have finally learned how to use that one function to do your bidding. If your days keep up like this, you will, for certain, miss your deadlines. And if that isn't bad enough, there are those in the Java world who love nothing better than to sit in meetings all day and point out to you how your Java code is not object-oriented enough or uses a weaker design pattern than what could be possibly used. You will spend your days countlessly in meetings going over the minutia of the language and of OOP, rather than meeting your deadlines. Next, with all those object threshhold hops, your apps will run fairly slow and, if you used Java applets as well, people will complain because their browser didn't use /that/ version of Java. When will it ever end?

Meanwhile, we PHPers will zip right on by you, getting our work done. See you later, Java man, we'll say from a speeding train, let's see who gets the contract renewal, me or you?

Jul 23, 2006
12:24 PM EDT
ahh yes...but I just saw an article on how PHP was dead as well....and that Rails was the new PHP.

Jul 23, 2006
1:42 PM EDT
PHP and Ruby are free software, so they remain alive as long as people are interested in keeping them so. Java is not open, nor free.

Jul 24, 2006
3:56 AM EDT
good point grouch.

PHP and ruby are undead :p

Jul 24, 2006
6:52 AM EDT

I wonder what will be the next project or language to be prematurely laid to rest by the press. Kinda reminds me of *BSD is dying*, of slashdot infamy. :o)

Jul 24, 2006
7:02 AM EDT
Expect C/C++ to be laid to rest in the press shortly after Vista with C#/.NET launches. Meanwhile I'll continue building my game with C/Python :-)

Jul 24, 2006
9:20 AM EDT
I've heard .NET is dead so much that if I had a peso for every time I heard it I'd have a thousand bucks :P

Somehow, everyone is moving toward it even though it's dead.

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