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Story: Open source at the National Education Computing ConferenceTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Jul 27, 2006
5:50 PM EDT
"Although the program has largely been a success, there have been difficulties as well. The significant number of new computers is placing additional stress on school technology directors, some of whom are concerned that they will not be able to continue providing effective network management in an environment with so many computers"

how about scripts - I use expect and cluster ssh everyday for hundreds of systems using one command line and ssh.

how about asking some of the parents - I bet there is just one parent who has or is using linux.

it has been my experience that school network administrators have political ties to vars and vendors who get paid by microsoft to push their software down people's throats.

there is no need for grade school or high school and school teachers/admins to use office - not when openoffice is a download away and is standards compliant and can make pdfs without downloading additional software.

linux is ready for the desktop and anything else you want it to be. vars and vendors have to stop getting paid by microsoft to shove their products down people's throats.


Jul 27, 2006
7:00 PM EDT
Shameless plug (it's non-commercial):


Jul 28, 2006
2:42 AM EDT
And the article doesn't even touch a fairly significant bonus:

No concern abut licensing for donated computers. Wipe em and throw on Linux.

Don't know about Indiana, but many schools use (or used to use) donated computers. Some have stopped because of concerns over Windows licensing...ie, the assertion that the OS license doesn't transfer with the machine, etc.

Not a problem with Linux and free software.

Jul 28, 2006
6:11 AM EDT
thanks grouch -

totally agree - and if you don't mind I would like to use that link for websites I run. just as a little news item etc.

another thing I run into is that teachers think Bill Gates is some kind of genious along with Steve Jobs from apple.

when it was actually the guys in lab that got those jokers started the commodore 64 people had to tell billy how to fix his visual basic.

and we all know where Billy got his interface design from.

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